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09-13-82 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-13-82 CCM
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SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1982 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m. with the following <br />Councillors present: Morgan, Mottaz and Novak. Also present was <br />City Administrator Whittaker,,and Marilyn Banister, Accountant. <br />1. AGENDA: The Council agreed to defer item #1 until after the <br />Personnel Committee meeting, <br />M/S/P Morgan/Eder to approve the Agenda as amended. Carried 4-0. <br />2. FINANCING AND ACCOUNTING FOR 201 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM: <br />Whittaker explained that the City's share of the expenses for the <br />201 Construction Grants Program, On -Site Sewer Systems, could be <br />financed out of the reserves in the General Fund until those <br />expenses can be assessed to the benefited.. property owners. The <br />Council agreed that these should not be considered expenses to <br />the General Fund and that a separate construction account should <br />be established to receive the grant funds and pay out the construction <br />costs. <br />M/5'/P Novak/Morgan to establish a construction fund for the 201 <br />Construction Grants Program and to assess the balance of the 201 <br />cost construction cost less grant income - plus interest, to <br />the benefited property owners on a one year assessment. Carried 4-0. <br />3. OTHER BUDGET CONCERNS: <br />A. Newletter Expense - Newsletter Editor, Mary Meyer, explained <br />that she pastes up, edits and checks the copy of the Newsletter <br />before it is printed, in addition to the responsibilities that <br />the former editor had. Whittaker said that the Newsletter editor <br />has not had a raise since 1981. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mottaz to approve an increase of $25 per issue, <br />subject to this bring possible within the levy limit. Carried 4-0. <br />B. Assessing for Street Improvements - The Council agreed unanimously <br />that street maintenance costs should not be assessed unless this <br />was unavoidable. Eder said that he would limit assessments to <br />overlays and major maintenance,;;should they become necessary. The <br />Council decided not to consider assessments for street improvements <br />in 1983. <br />C. Animal Revenue - Whittaker explained that the present revenues <br />are approximate y 1,000; and, the present expenses are approximately <br />$7,550. Banister indicated that the present licenses are for two <br />years; and, that a one year license might generate some additional <br />revenue. <br />M/S/'-•` Novak/Mottaz to return to an annual license, to notify license <br />holders when their license should be renewed, and to indicate an <br />increase in revenue under Animal Control Licenses in the Budget. <br />Discussion - <br />--Mottaz said he believes the City should encourage the State <br />Legislature to change animal control laws so that controlling <br />the number of dogs and neutering programs become more practical <br />--Morgan said that we should put the animal licenses on the word <br />processor once the City computer is in place. Whittaker indicated <br />that the City Code would have to be amended in order to change <br />the license year from two years to one year. Carried 4-0. <br />
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