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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 1982 <br />14. DEMONTREVILLE ACCESS - Continued - <br />-15- <br />{ --Eder — suggested leasing the land to the DNR - should not <br />release it permanently. Still supports starting the <br />steps to close the access this fall and make a final <br />decision in February, <br />--Whittaker - #6 is not critical to the proposal, <br />M/S/_ Morgan/Novak to accept the Access Committee recommendations <br />on implementing the closing of the Demontreville Access with <br />the exception of Item #6 - Release of the land to the Mn/DNR - <br />which would be deleted. <br />Discussion : <br />--Eder - reword Item 6 and provide for negotiation in the spring. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to table action on closing the Demontreville <br />Access until such time as a public hearing is held. Motion <br />carried 3-2. Novak and Morgan Opposed. <br />A hearing will be set for January <br />Adjournment: 10:20 p.m. <br />RESOLUTIONS: 82-58 - Comp Plan Amendment Re: CSAH 13 & 53rd St. N. <br />82-59 - Waste/Energy Joint Administration Agreement <br />82-60 - Simple Lot Division - Lavonne Richert <br />82-61 - Large Lot Subdivision 4 George Krueger <br />