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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOVEMBER 16, 1982 <br />-2- <br />5. Neudahl Shoreland Permit - Continued: <br />The Council reviewed the DNR letter, copy of the application, <br />site and location plan. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mottaz to approve a shoreland permit for Kenneth <br />Neudahl. Carried-5--0i <br />HUNTING REGULATION ON LAKE JANE: <br />Webelo Scout Dornfeld asked the Council about gun and hunting <br />regulations on Lake Jane. <br />Mayor Eder cited the City Ordinance regulating the discharge of <br />fire arms in the City and said said a hunter has to be concealed <br />in natural reeds which would make it impossible to meet the <br />required 500 ft..structure distance thereby making it impossible <br />to hunt on the lake. <br />14. OLD BUSINESS: <br />B. Resolution Amending Comp Plan to Delete CSAH 13 By-pass and <br />Aid53rd St . 'Extension - <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to adopt Resolution 82-58, a Resolution amending <br />the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan r Highway Plan - deleting CSAH <br />13 by-pass and including the extension of 53rd Steet from Foxfire <br />Estates to Keats Avenue. Motion carried 5-0. <br />C. <br />City Administrator, the Council took the fol <br />clarify denial -of the subdivision request of <br />and Patrick Sinclair: <br />Subdivision elu"L Uxl — <br />end�at o of the <br />owing action <br />Elizabeth Orchard <br />M/S/P Fraser/Novak to deny the request of Elizabeth Orchard and <br />Pat Sinclair to subdivide Lots 588 through 595 and Lots 544 through <br />549 and that portion of Lots 550,551, and 587 lying North and East <br />of a line running from the Southeast corner of Lot 587 to the <br />Northwest corner of Lot 550, Lanes Demontreville Country Club <br />from adjacent property owned by Elizabeth Orchad, which would <br />create one .83 acre parcel and one 1.2 acre parcel, for the <br />following reasons: <br />1. It violates Section 301.090B of the Zoning Ordinance, <br />which requires the property owner to keep all land required <br />for the minimum lot size; <br />2. It violates Section 401.320 A and H of the Subdivision <br />Ordinance, which requires that all lots created through sub- <br />division conform to the minimum area requirements set forth <br />in the Zoning Ordinance; <br />3. It violates Section 301.070 D 3 c (1) which requires 1 1/2 <br />acres on each lot in the R-1 Zoning District; and, <br />4. It violates Section 307.060 1, which requires 1 1/2 acre <br />lots in the Shoreland Overlay Zoning District; and, <br />5. Because this subdivision would create two undersized lots <br />in an area where there are many on -site sewer problems because <br />of small lots and the proximity of the shoreland; <br />6. Because a home, on -site sewer system and drainfields, and <br />improvements could not be located on this lot in such a way <br />as to meet the requirements of the Shoreland Ordinance. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />