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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 4, 1983 -10- <br />5. APPOINTMENTS - COMMISSIONS: <br />A. " Park, Commmission r Continued - <br />^Morgan - intended to serve out.term,and resign when . <br />appointment was up. <br />--Sue Dunn - no agenda item went unaddressed this year. No <br />problems because of attendance were encountered. Would <br />like to see Councillor Morgan remain on the Commission. <br />as a full member. <br />--Eder - would support his fulfilling his term. Would ask,,. <br />he consider the ex-officio position should he continue <br />on the Commission. <br />--Fraser - would support the ex officio relationship. But <br />if the principles developed by the Council are not applied <br />here then there is no need to apply them with anyone else. <br />Feel many good and interested people in the community who <br />could serve the Park Commission well, -:•.important to provide <br />them this opportunity when there have been excessive <br />absences. <br />Motion Vote: Motion failed 2-3. Eder, Morgan and Dunn opposed. <br />M/S/P Eder/Mazzara to excuse the absenses of Dave Morgan for 1982 <br />based on the consideration that he was attending out of town <br />meetings and his commitment and desire to serve out his term. Also <br />the agreement that beyond 1983, Mr. Morgan or any Council member <br />to a Commission or other body, will .have an ex-officio membership <br />status. Motion carried 3-1-1. Fraser opposed. Morgan abstained. <br />--Mazzara - asked Chairman Dunn the status of appointment for <br />Diane Morgan.' <br />--Sue Dunn - spoke with Diane - she would like to be an alternate <br />member, filling in when the Commission lacked a quorum. <br />--Mazzara - suggested appointing an alternate who would be able <br />to attend meetings regularly - should consider someone who would <br />be interested in becoming a full member - want to encourage an <br />alternate who wi;livactively participate at all the meetings, <br />not someone who will fill in when there is no quorum. <br />-Sue'Dunn - will address -this question at the January 16 meeting. <br />--Fraser - points of confusion - Ccuncil has responsibilities to <br />address these things. When review ing this type of attendance <br />record and the action taken regarding it- the Park Commission <br />is not functioning as a Park Ccmmission, it is functioning as <br />a private club. Feel as a member of the Council,thatiwould not <br />be meeting responsibility by letting this go without mention. <br />Have attended Park Commission meetings - do not believe as a <br />Council member there should be a need to frequently go to the <br />Planning or Park Commission meetings. When seeing this type of <br />attendance, then know that the group cannot function as a <br />responsible Commission - ye-"- this seems acceptable to some <br />people. <br />--Whittaker - affirmed Chairman Dunn's statement - get recom- <br />mendations on all things asked for. <br />--Bruce Dunn - disagrees -with Fraser°'n conclusion- Believes <br />the Commission is providing results thin -is what should <br />be considered - not attendance. <br />This is a volunteer advisory. <br />--Mazzara - Feels the Park Commission may be better off by <br />advertising for someone who wants to spend a lot of time and <br />effort towards the Commission vs .just serving as an alternate <br />when needed. <br />