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SPTOI.AL LAKE ELMO COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 11, 1983 <br />Mayor Feder opened the Special Emergency Meeting on Lake Jane Flooding at 6:10 p.m. <br />Allen Dornfeld, President, Valley Branch. Watershed District, introduced Watershed <br />Bagineer, Nels Nelson, who explained the Watershed's request to sandbag the weir <br />on Olson Lake to prevent flooding on Lake Jane. Looking for alternatives, <br />--Noll Nelson - this request is in response to numerous calls about the flooding <br />situation on Lake Jane, Presently is a, threat situation, rather than a flooding <br />situation. Outlined. the varying lake levels. Two suggestions being considered: <br />1. Temporary - based on the idea that the weir and the pipe on Lake <br />Olson have a greater capacity to permit inflow into Lake Jane than <br />the pump has capability to pump cut, a temporary sandbagging of the <br />weir will permit maintenance of the preseni; levels on Olson avid <br />Demontreville while permitting the pump to catch up with the inflow. <br />The present electric pump can only take cane of 2cfs, Two homes on <br />Lake Jane are threatened, with .flooding. If Olson or Demontreville <br />begin to rise the sandbags will be removed - if Olson or Demontreville <br />fall, more sandbags can be added until Jane is back to a safe level <br />that the pump can handle. Anticipate this process would have to be <br />maintained for a. month before Jane is Stout of the woods". <br />2.. Long Range Plan - Reduce eon.trol level on weir and/or place a small hole <br />in weir so that water can flow out earlier in the year. This would add <br />water inflow earlier so that the pump could .start pumping earlier, <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS: <br />--Mayor Eder - need to have an awareness that the weir was put in at an elevation <br />that was the settlement of a law suit. Suit involved residents on both sides <br />of the weir, <br />---Yraser - asked Nelson for a non -technical explainationg calling for this emergency <br />action, <br />--Nets Nelson.- trying to respond to calls and letters received from residents on <br />Lake Jane, Presently there is enough, water on Lake Demontreville to cause <br />flooding on Lake Jane, <br />—Fraser - asked about upstream impact of this proposal.. <br />--Nelson - proposal is to hold the level of Demontreville where it is. Heavy rain <br />would cause minimal problems upstream, No specifics for upstream are available. <br />—Morgan - what plans does VBWD have to get a bigger pump on Jane. <br />--Nelson - currently getting estimates for a larger capacity pump - this will be <br />discussed at the Districts May 12 meeting. Estimates to resat a larger capacity <br />pump are running from $6,000 to $22,000 for 1 to 6 month rental. Also looking <br />into purchasing larger electric pump - estimates running in excess of $259000. <br />Would have to use a diesel now since there is not adequate electric service for <br />a larger capacity electric pump at the present pump site, Can run 2cfs now and <br />can go up to i� oft, but not sure for how long the plastic pipe can handle 2cfs. <br />Considering .replacing the plastic pipe with steel piping up the hill, then continue <br />with plastic. <br />..-Eder - how long will Demontreville and Olson stay above the weir? <br />--Nelson - under this proposal, one month. Water level has been at weir level for <br />2-3 weeks. Identified the two homes threatened with flooding - Evanoff & <br />--Eder - know the possibility of damage on one side but not on the other as far <br />as vegetation damage. Lawsuit concerned vegetative damage. 199is being the case <br />would oppose sandbagging and consider only pumping using a larger capacity <br />diesel pump. <br />--Nelson - Demontreville has .fallen I", but Jane is still coming up. <br />--Scotty Lya11, T3irchbard Tr, - should consider impact on threatened homes on <br />windy days where waves would these homes, <br />--Mrs. Evanoff, Jane Rd. N, - presently waves hit bay window of their home <br />on windy days. <br />