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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 7, 1983 -2- <br />5. BOND SALE FOR 1983-1984 SEALCOATING PROJECT: <br />Linda Obidowski. of Juran and Moody explained the purchase <br />as outlined on the breakdown sheet and summarized in the <br />agreement contract. The First National Bank of St. Paul is <br />the designated paying agent and the bonds will bear interest <br />of 6.75% in 1984 and 7.00% in 1985. Ms. Obdiwski requested - <br />the Mayor and Administrator to sign the contract proposal and <br />adopt the resolution prepared by Briggs & Morgan approving the <br />issuance and sale of the bonds. <br />Mayor Eder declared that he is an officer of the First National <br />Bank of St. Paul, paying agent, but is not a stockholder. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn to adopt R-B3-37 a Resolution approving the <br />issuance and sale of $140,000 General Obligation Improvement <br />Bonds of 1983 for 1983-1984 Sealcoat Project; and, authorizing <br />the City Administrator and Mayor to sign all necessary <br />documents related to the sale of said bonds. Carried 3-0. <br />Morgan and Mazzara absent. <br />Councillor Morgan arrived at 7:30 p.m. <br />6. BOARD OF REVIEW: <br />C. Kendridge Addition - The Administrator referred the Council <br />to the Assessor's list ofproposed market value decreases <br />for homes within the landfill area. As this was just <br />made available to the Council at the meeting, Fraser requested <br />deferring discussion and action until the material can <br />be reviewed. <br />Comments: <br />--Whittaker - explained the water system proposal outlined in his <br />June 2 memo and the Assessor's position that he believes there <br />is a 30o decrease in market value caused by the landfill <br />contamination. <br />--Morgan - believe the assessor and the people- have a valid <br />position - key is to judge the impact of the contamination. <br />--Fraser - dollars not picked up from this area will have to <br />be made up by others in the City - imperative to find a <br />just and equitable approach. <br />MIS/ Fraser/Dunn to request an extension from the County for <br />submitting Board of Review findings until after the June 14 <br />Council meeting so that the Council can review the landfill <br />area valuation question. <br />Discussion - <br />--Eder - need written comments or a meeting with the engineers <br />working on the landfill problem. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />The Council requested that the finance office calculate the tax <br />income decrease based on the assessor's proposed valuation. <br />