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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />JULY 19, 1983 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the City Hall. <br />Councillors present: Dunn, Fraser and Mazzara. Morgan absent. Administrator <br />Whittaker was also present. <br />1. AGENDA - M/S/P Fraser/Dunn to adopt the Agenda with the following amend- <br />ments: Add item <br />9. G. public water supply at Fire Hall <br />H. Annual Police Contract <br />I. Isaacson fence and gate <br />J. Speed zone on 42nd Street <br />K. County response to City concerns on County Road 19 <br />L. Personnel Committee recommendations on Senior Secretary and <br />Secretary to Administrator positions. <br />2. MINUTES - M/S/P Dunn/Fraser to approve the V5183 City Council minutes <br />with the following corrections: <br />Page 1, item 3. "Fraser agreed since cities couldn't lobby independently <br />and achieve similar imroact with such cost effectiveness." <br />Page 3, item 9. " Dunn - am against public <br />development projects.wepke ppe6ee4s; Relme eras @Rxi <br />of such <br />3. CLAIMS - M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara to approve Claim Nos. 83906 through 83944 <br />incluUTU a claim from Lake Elmo Repair for $122.33, which was not on the <br />advance claim list. <br />4. LICENSES - M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara to approve a 3.2 beer license for a one day party <br />to be held —at Green Acres for Realty World Upper Midwest Area Council on August 19, <br />1983. <br />5. COUNCIL REPORTS <br />- Mayor Eder - will be receiving summary information on the 509 plan <br />for Valley Branch Watershed District soon and will copy them to the Council. <br />- Councillor Fraser - would like Surface Water Use regulations outlined <br />in the City newsletter again. <br />- Eder - residents in DeMontreville Highlands had praised the City efforts <br />to control dogs in their area. Said they were effective. <br />As the Council was ahead of schedule, they proceeded to discuss items under the <br />Administrator's report, scheduled for later in the meeting. <br />9. A. METRO WATER QUALITY STUDY OF LAKE ELMO - Eder commented that the report <br />indicate that no other bodies of water should be outletted to Lake Elmo; <br />so, this did not bode well for proposals to outlet Lake Jane into Eagle <br />Point Lake of Lake Elmo to relieve flooding. He also said that there is <br />historical data, kept by the Valley Branch Watershed District, which the <br />Metropolitan Council should use in determining the long term changes in <br />water quality on Lake Elmo. <br />Whittaker indicated that the report basically called for a permanent con- <br />trol structure on Eagle Point Lake to prevent outflow to Lake Elmo. Water <br />from Eagle Point was the principal source of nutrients that could degrade <br />the water quality in Lake Elmo. <br />