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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUGUST 16, 1983 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. <br />Councillors present: Fraser, Dunn, Mazzara (7:15), Morgan (8:30) <br />Also present Administrator Whittaker and Assistant Administrator Klaers. <br />1. AGENDA: Additions: <br />10. G. Dumpster for Storm Debris <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn to approve the Agenda, as amended. Carried 3-0. <br />2. MINUTES: August 2, 1983: <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn to approve the minutes of August '2,1983, as <br />written. Carried 3-0. <br />3. CLAIMS: Addition <br />84039 - ICMA - Conference Registration -Pat Klaers $330.00 <br />Deletion - <br />83997 - Maynard Eder - 125th Anniversary $500.00 <br />The Council decided that the contribution <br />will not be released until a Treasurer is <br />elected and a budget is developed <br />M/S/P Dunn/Fraser to approve Claims 83983 thru 84039, with the <br />exception of 83997. Carried 3-0. <br />4. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS HEARING: <br />Mayor Eder opened the hearing at 7:15 p.m. <br />There was no resident comment on proposed use. This years amount <br />is $20,000. Administrator Whittaker explained how these funds <br />were used in the past and the problems involved in designating <br />the funds to other than the Police Contract or other governmental <br />contract use where federal contract regulation standards and <br />guidelines have to be met. <br />Mayor Eder closed the hearing at 7:20 p.m. <br />5. PUBLIC INQUIRY - EVERETTE BEAUBIEN - SUNFISH LAKE FLOODING: <br />Mr. Beaubien, representing several property owners on Sunfish <br />Lake, referred the Council to his letter of August 9, 1983, <br />expressing concern about the Councils approval to permit VBWD <br />to pump an additonal 1' of water into City Park Pond from Lake <br />Jane. He distributed photographs showing the water damage to <br />property and trees, which the residents maintain, has been <br />caused by the continued pumping of Lake Jane into City Park <br />Pond. He passed out an official VBWD lake level schedule and <br />indicated that Sunfish Lake has risen 14' since 1969. He <br />stated that in 1976 a maximum level of 894 was established <br />and agreed upon by the City and legal counsel for Beaubien. <br />Beaubien requested relief of the present situation on Sunfish <br />by pumping of the lake. He noted that the outlet culvert for <br />Sunfish is at least 8 ft. below water and plugged. <br />Whittaker noted that this culvert belongs to Mn/DOT, not the <br />City or Valley Branch. He will ask the maintenance crew to <br />verify the condition of the culvert then refer the situation <br />' to Valley Branch. Mr. Beaubien reviewed previous conversations <br />concerning the opening of the culvert. All previous requests <br />were denied. He reitterated his position that Lake Jane is now <br />out of flood danger - pump should be stopped. Sunfish residents <br />should not continue to bear the continued flooding problems. <br />