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4), <br />LAKE ELMO CITY'COUNCIL MELTING 10-4--83 <br />Page 13 <br />D. Steve Pott 'Large Lot Subdivision: <br />M/S/P (Dunn/Mazzara) Move to adopt <br />( the large plot subdivision with the <br />Street, $175 00 per lot park dedication <br />the CSAH-17 .right of way. <br />(Motion Carried 5-0) <br />Resolution 83-63 granting <br />road dedication on 43rd <br />:Pee, and clarification of <br />E. Reid Park and Jamaca Court Improvements: <br />Both improvements were scheduled to be done by October 1, 1983. <br />Mogren Brothers, the contractor for Reid Park has not submitted a <br />request for an extension of time. Ashbach Construction has <br />submitted a requst for an extension of time until October 10, <br />1983 and estimate three day construction time for. the Jamaca. <br />Court improvements. <br />Discussion on why the improvements were not done on time, and <br />discussion on penalty clauses being added for work not done on <br />time. <br />M/S/P (Fraser/Morgan) To accept the extension requsted by <br />Ashbach Construction until October 10, 1983. <br />(Motion Carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P (Eder/Morgan) To acknowledge to Mogren Construction that <br />the work would not be done by the due date and a letter of <br />understanding be sent; by the Engineer to make sure that the seed <br />is guaranteed to grow or contractor defers it until next year and <br />contractor takes any risks involved because of erosion. <br />(Motion Carried 5--0) <br />F. Tartan Meadows Development Agreement (Willard Morton) <br />Mr. Morton explained his proposal as: to put the road in Leward <br />Avenue 750 feet and put in certain erosion control devices. His <br />first requst would be a grading permit. The road construction is <br />a separate issue from the approval of the partial plat. He would <br />like to put the road in and show lots and sense the strength of <br />demand and given there is a demand, ask for the filing of the <br />partial plat. <br />Bohrer - If Mr. Morton is not asking for final plat signatures <br />and recording, he cannot sell lots, 'and he can do those <br />improvements without a developers bond. <br />M/S/P (Morgan/Fraser) To accept proposed grading plan that was <br />in original specifications up to that point. We will develop <br />13 <br />