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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10-4-83 Page 16 <br />F. Grading Ballfield: Request from Jim Yarusso to get the <br />ballfield graded before fall. <br />Consensus was to determine if this is a reasonable thing to do at <br />this time of year and to gather the recommendations from the <br />Parks Commission meeting on October 17, 1983. If they <br />formalize what they want done, it will be added to the agenda on <br />the 18th of October. <br />G. Resolutions for former employees: <br />M/S/P (Morgan/Mazzara) To adopt Resolution 83-65, a Resolution <br />of appreciation to Edna Beers. <br />(Carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P (Morgan/Mazzara) To adopt Resolution 83-66, a Resolution <br />of appreciation to Kathy Crombie. <br />(Carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P (Eder/Morgan) Motion that the City Administration acquire <br />some type of gift for Edna Beers in an amount not to exceed <br />$50.00. <br />(Carried 5-0) <br />H. Deputy Clerk Position: <br />Consensus was to authorize administration to seek the best <br />solution to filling the Deputy Clerk position, providing the <br />salary ranges stay within the budgeted amount. <br />Meeting adjourned at 10:10 <br />Resolution 83-62 Final plat for Teal Pass Estates <br />Resolution 83-63 Steve Pott Large Lot Subdivision <br />Resolution 83-64 Adopt 1984 Budget and Set Tax Levy <br />Resolution 83-65 Resolution of appreciation, Edna Beers <br />Resolution 83-66 Resolution of appreciation, Kathy Crombie <br />10 <br />