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R-83-63 <br />RESOLUTION <br />CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LARGE LOT SUBDIVISION FOR <br />STEVE POTT AND JED WEIR. <br />WHEREAS, Mr. Steve POtt and Mr. Jed Weir own certain land <br />in the City of Lake Elmo, .legally described as follows, to -wit: <br />PARCEL "A" <br />All that part of the West Half of the East Half of <br />the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 29 <br />( North, Range 21 West, City of Lake Elmo, Washington <br />County, Minnesota, lying south of the centerline of- <br />43rd Street North and lying north of the south 660.00 <br />feet of said West Half of the East Half of the South- <br />east Quarter. This parcel contains 17.150 acres, more <br />or less, and is subject to the right of way of 43rd <br />Street North. <br />PARCEL "B" <br />All. that part of the East Half of the East half of <br />the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 29 <br />North, Range 21 West, City of Lake Elmo, Washington <br />County, Minnesota, lying south of the centerline of <br />43rd Street North and lying north of the south 660.00 <br />feet of said East Half of the East Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter. This parcel contains 17.232 acres, more or <br />less, and is subject to the right of way of 43rd Street <br />North and the right of way of Lake Elmo Avenue North <br />(also known as C.S.A.H 17). <br />WHEREAS, the said Steve Pott. and Jed Weier have made application <br />to the City of Lake Elmo, to have the above -described parcels <br />approved by the City of Lake Elmo as legally subdivided parcels; <br />WIiEREAS, at the time of said application, the above -described <br />parcels were not separately described parcels of record; <br />