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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />November 15, 1983 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Eder at 7:00 p.m. in the <br />City Hall. <br />Councillors present: Frazer, Mazzara, Dunn. <br />1. Approval of Agenda: <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn - to approve the City Council Agenda as <br />amended: 9-a Proclamation: - Community Education Day. (4 ayes) <br />2. Approval of Minutes from 11/1/83 City Council meeting. <br />M/S/P Fraser Mazzara - to approve the Minutes of the ll/l/83 <br />City Council meeting amended as follows: Page 2, #8 "Tartan <br />Meadow -Final Plat Approval -Developer's Agreement Discussion." <br />Change from "to approve", to "to adopt Resolution #83-70"; and <br />under the same heading, change the vote from 4 ayes to 3 ayes and <br />1 abstain (Fraser). (3 ayes 1 abstain <Eder>). <br />3. Approval of Claims List (including 1006 payment). <br />M/S/P Fraser. Mazzara - to approve Claims as amended: #84300 for <br />McQueen is deleted and should be Spartans Specialities in the <br />amount of $166.48 (for the Christmas mugs). (4 ayes) <br />4. Renewal of Liquor Licenses: This item was tabled until the <br />12/6/ 3 City Council meeting with the exception of the liquor <br />license transfer for the Elmo Inn. <br />Ben Gorka, former owner of the Elmo Inn, introduced John Schiltz, <br />its new owner. Mr. Gorka and Mr. Schiltz asked the Council to <br />consider the liquor license transfer at this meeting as Mr. <br />Schiltz would like to be open for business as soon as possible. <br />Fraser suggested an extension of the matter so the Council would <br />have time to review the application, and that the residents of <br />Lake Elmo might have the opportunity to voice their opinion <br />before the Council takes action. However, the consensus of the <br />Council was that there have been no previous problems or <br />complaints with the Elmo Inn and granting the transfer at this <br />meeting would be proper. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to approve a liquor license transfer to <br />John Schiltz from Ben Gorka, contingent upon a favorable credit <br />and personal reference check on Mr. Schiltz. (4 ayes) <br />5. Public Hearing: Vacation of Road Easements in Teal Pass <br />Estates. <br />Pursuant to public notice, this Public Hearing was opened at 7:30 <br />p.m. <br />