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Lake Elmo City Council Meeting 11-15-83 Page 9 <br />Lyons stated that they are the fourth and fifth generation on <br />this property, and that they have always tried to work with the <br />City. <br />Mazzara stated that the April date is arbitrary, but feels that <br />if the violations are unrelated to the mining operation, and <br />given the progress that has happened thus far, we should divide <br />the two. Then if things are not resolved, take the hard line and <br />do it the way it should be done. <br />Fraser stated the problem with doing it the way Mazzara suggested <br />was that it could cost possibly thousands of dollars in legal <br />fees. <br />(2 ayes 2 nays <Dunn, Mazzara>) <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to extend the mining permit until December <br />6, 1983. (4 ayes) <br />C. Capital Outlay items in '83 Budget: fire proof file, <br />computer equipment and council microphones. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn - to authorize the staff to get quotes or <br />prices on a fire proof file, computer equipment and council <br />microphones. (4 ayes) <br />d. City Christmas Party: Date/Plans <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn - to accept the bid from Suzanne's Cuisine <br />in the amount of $369.36 to provide "goodies" for the Christmas <br />Party to be held at City Hall on Friday, December 16th, from 4:30 <br />to 7:00. (4 ayes) 4 <br />e. Park Shelter•' Workers - Advertise for Help: <br />M/S/P Fraser/Dunn - that the Administrator be authorized to <br />advertise for Park Shelter workers; or to recommend last years <br />workers if he so desires. (4 ayes) <br />f. Other: Annual State Planning Institute in St'. Paul. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mazzara - to authorize payment of $25.00 enrollment <br />fee for any Planning Commission member that wants to attend the <br />Annual State Planning Institute to be held on Friday, December <br />9th from 8:30 to 4:30 at the St. Paul University of Minnesota <br />Campus. (4 ayes) <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to adjourn City Council meeting. (4 ayes) <br />Resolution 83-71 - Vacate the road easement in Teal Pass Estates. <br />Ordinance 7956 - Shoreland Ordinance amending street setback. <br />