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01-17-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-17-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />JANUARY 17, 1984 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers. <br />COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Dunn, Mazzara and Morgan. Also City Administrator IClaers. <br />1. AGENDA - M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to adopt the agenda as amended: <br />9-B. Dunn - Parking on 36th Street <br />10-F. Dismissal of Hutchinson Suit <br />10-G. Variance, Green Acre Lot 9 - Public Hearing <br />(Carried 4-0) <br />2. MINUTES - M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara to approve the 1/3/84 Council minutes as <br />written. (Carried 4-0) <br />3. CLAIMS - M/S/P Morgan/Dunn to approve Claims 84479 thru 84524 with the <br />addition of Claim 84525 for $2,303.08 for continuation of public-official/fire- <br />fighter liability insurance. (Carried 4-0) <br />4. LANDFILL, MICHAEL AYERS - Mr. Ayers explained (a) gradient control system, <br />how it is operational, and preliminary findings; and (b) landfill advisory <br />committee being proposed to look into supplying an alternate water system to the <br />adversely affected residents of the Lake Elmo area as a result of the landfill. <br />A. Gradient Control System - Pumping has been operational since 12 November <br />1983 and has run consistently since that date - has been tested under some of <br />the most adverse winter conditions. Testing done so far shows that system is <br />changing gradients of the ground water in that area; as a result of measuring <br />elevations in the local residential and monitoring wells, we're seeing an actual <br />reversal of ground water movement to the southwest. It is pumping at a capacity <br />of 260 gallons per minute (actual capacity 500 g.p.m.). It pulls to the <br />furthest impacted well (Huseman well) and there's an actual decrease in <br />elevation, about 1 to 1.5 feet where it will be stabilized (residents' ability <br />to use thier wells has not been impacted). Next we propose to do some testing <br />of those contaminated wells to see if we're actually beginning to see a <br />decrease. This will be preliminary only to see if concentration levels are <br />being reduced. Aeration is a pivot gun on a turret that sprays under high <br />pressure to volitalize off organic compounds found in the ground water. Three <br />tests done to date have shown a marked decrease, if not a total absence, of the <br />contamination from the the time water is sprayed to the time it lands on the, <br />ground. Initial testing shows all the organic contaminants were removed, but <br />recent testing in severe cold does not show volatilization expected. Minnesota <br />Department of Health has agreed to extend permit to end of June 1.984, Minnesota <br />Pollution Control Agency has issued permit for continuous pumping, and Watershed <br />District is monitoring and has been requested to extend permit. We hope in near <br />future that consultant will come in with final report on the effectiveness of <br />this system. It appears, at this time, the system is effective in its intended <br />purpose and will not have to be expanded. <br />♦ Mazzara - Will runoff from ice build-up be a problem? (Ayers - No, it runs <br />underneath the ice pack in the snow; also ground area is terraced.) <br />• Morgan - How deep is the well? (Ayers - Around 120 feet, to bedrock.) <br />• Morgan - What chemicals are you stripping? (Ayers - Basically, the <br />chlorinated organic compounds, the prime contaminants we've seen out there.) <br />
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