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',Lake Elmo City Council Meeting 1-3-84 Page 5 <br />D. Musa Line <br />Klaers gave a brief description of the changes that were <br />recommended by the Planning Commission. <br />Fraser asked why we were concerned with avoiding the "90 Day <br />Review Process" by the Met Council. Klaers stated that after 90 <br />days the Met Council could find our plan unacceptable, but sees <br />no great problem in going thru a 90 day review process. <br />Fraser stated she would like to know the implications of a 90 day <br />review process. And to also review the rational of the original <br />goals that the City set versus making any changes. <br />E. Request for additional Park Shelter Workers <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - To approve the hiring of Al Delander as Park <br />Shelter Worker at the pay rate of $3.35 per hour. (Carried 4-0-1) <br />Eder abstained. <br />Fraser stated that she was concerned with the procedure followed <br />in hiring this person. In the future, she would prefer to have <br />the City Administrator's judgement on an employee. Also, we <br />should follow a more structured process in looking for employees. <br />We must have a policy that would stand up under public scrutiny <br />or challenge. <br />F. Maintenance Department Requests <br />1. Quotes for new furnace in old City office. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To authorize the Maintenance Foreman to <br />solicit quotes for a new furnace for the old City Office. <br />(Carried 5-0) <br />Dunn stated that he thought we should look at the cost comparison <br />between a standard gas furnance and a energy efficient furnace. <br />2. Christ Lutheran Church <br />Klaers stated that the problem at the church started in the early <br />afternoon, and the Maintenance Foreman was not called until 8:30 <br />p.m. on Christmas Eve. The problem was not with the water, but <br />with the septic system. <br />Consensus of the Council was to get more information from Dave <br />Wisdorf as to what actually happened at the church that <br />necessitated him being called out. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. <br />Resolutions 84-1 thru 84-I5' (See #8 - 1984 CUP'S) <br />