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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />SEPTEMBER 4, 1984 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council <br />Chambers. Present: Dunn, Fraser (arrived 7:05), Mazzara, Morgan, <br />City Engineer Bohrer, City Administrator Klaers. <br />1. Agenda <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To approve the agenda as amended: Add 6G1 - 509 <br />Question on Engineering and 6G2 on Bond Sale. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. Minutes <br />Approval of the minutes of the August 21, 1984 City Council was <br />deferred. <br />3. Claims <br />M/S/P/ Morgan- Dunn - To approve claims 85184 thru 85225 as <br />presented. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />4. Licenses Guardian Angels Church for September 16, 1984. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Morgan - To approve a one -day 3.2 beer license for <br />Guardian Angels Church on Sunday, September 16, 1984 for its Fall <br />Festival. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />5. Public Inquiries <br />.There were no public inquiries. <br />6. Engineer's Report <br />A. Public Hearing for application by James Tobin, 4180 Irvin <br />Circle for a zoning side yard setback variance for the <br />surfacing of an existing driveway. <br />Pursuant to published notice, this public hearing was opened at 7:20 <br />p.m. in the council chambers. <br />Mr. Tobin stated that his garage was constructed in the fall of 1983. <br />The dirt driveway that is presently there has been there since 1978. <br />His reason for wanting to surface the driveway is to clean-up the <br />area. There is a row of trees (approximately 25 to 30) that would <br />have to come out to meet the five foot setback from the adjacent <br />property line. The driveway comes at an angle from the curb, so <br />approximately halfway up the driveway, it would meet the required five <br />foot setback. It is from the curb halfway up the driveway that it <br />would not meet the required five foot setback. <br />Mr. Tobin further pointed out that in the immediate area of his home <br />there are several homes owners that have recently paved their <br />