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i( August 29, 1984 <br />To: Mayor and City Council <br />Fr: Patrick D. Klaers, City Administrator <br />Re: Informational Material for September 4, 1984, Council Meeting <br />1. Attached for your information is the most recent City Newsletter <br />dated August 28, 1984, which highlights articles on the election <br />equipment and CIP needs. <br />2. Wish to once again inform the City Council that I will be out of <br />town for the September 18, 1984, City Council meeting. At this point, <br />the agenda for this 9-16 meeting includes a public hearing for citizen <br />input on the Revenue Sharing and General Fund Budget, a public hearing <br />for a simple lot subdivision and zoning/lot size variance for Daniel <br />Dickhausen and may include review of Mr. Peltier's application for a <br />rezoning in Section 35 to Commercial and also consideration of a <br />Preliminary Plat from David Nelson. These last two items may or may <br />not be on the 9-18 agenda depending upon the review by the Planning <br />Commision on September 10 and the material that is sbmitted to he City <br />staff. Additionally, the staff anticipates other items to be added to <br />the agenda as we approach the meeting date. <br />3. Attached for your information is a letter from Carol Kuettner, <br />Chairperson of the "Light Up Lake Elmo" Committee. This letter <br />provides you with a status report of the fund raising efforts of the <br />committee and informs you of an important meeting to be held on <br />Wednesday, September 5, at the White Hat Restaurant at 7:30 p.m. You <br />should note that the financial figures included in this letter do not <br />include any revenues obtained during Huff & Puff Days. <br />4. Wish to acknowledge that the Council approved 1984 CIP needs for <br />the Maintenance Department are in the process of being purchased. <br />Maintennce Foreman Dave Wisdorf is receiving quotes and he has infomed <br />me that the radios will be less than anticipated. The washer should <br />be approximately the $1,800 discussed by the committee and the wing <br />itself will cost approximately $6,000 but, there will be additional <br />expenses for delivery and installing this wing on the dump truck. The <br />total estimated cost for equipment and installation is expected to be <br />approximately $11,500 instead of the previous estimated amount of <br />$10,000 that was presented to the CIP Committee and Council. <br />5. Attached for your information is some material relating to the <br />Lakeview Ambulance application . The material indicates that the <br />application was recommended for approval by health systems agencies <br />but that the Department of Health staff recommended denial and the <br />Commissioner concurred with the staff in determining that this <br />application should be denied. Unless we hear otherwise or there is a <br />mechanism for Lakeview Hospital to appeal this decision, it appears <br />that the application for Lakeview Hospital Ambulance Service is now a <br />dead issue. Therefore, the City of Lake Elmo will be continuing to <br />receive its ambulance service from the new owners of the Cropp <br />Service. <br />