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10-02-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-02-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10-2-84 <br />PAGE 2 <br />changed; however, the question seems not one of need but whether the <br />Durand's were afforded an opportunity to participate in the program and <br />chose not to. He further stated that he felt the action taken by the <br />Council to close new applications in April, 1984 was appropriate and <br />should remain closed. <br />The consensus of the Council is to abide by their decision made in <br />April, 1984 to close the applications for participation in this <br />program, thereby denying Mr. Durands request to be included in this <br />201 Program. <br />The Council explained to Mr. Durand that the Hagberg's were allowed <br />into the program because of a proedure problem on the part of the <br />staff. <br />B. Mr. Don Hauser, representing Gary Hauser regarding the double <br />assessment for Gary Hauser's duplex at 911.0 Jamaca Court. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Hauser were present representing their son who is living <br />in Panama. They disagree with the method of assessment and asked for <br />an explanation as to why a single owner would be assessed twice as <br />much as anybody else in the area as there is the same amount of street <br />frontage. <br />Eder stated there are various ways to assess projects. One is by <br />front footage and one is per unit charge. <br />The Engineer explained that most projects in the past have been <br />assessed on a per unit basis; ie: living unit. <br />The Council attempted to explain to Mr. and Mrs. Hauser how they <br />justified assessing duplexes as two units, even though the house <br />itself may be owned by just one person. <br />The Hauser's asked if there was any recourse they could take as they <br />do not feel this assessment procedure is fair. <br />Eder responded that their only recourse now, since the public hearings <br />have been held and unless someone on the Council moved to change the <br />decision the Council has made, would be to consult an attorney for <br />advice on what can be done. <br />Fraser stated that when the Council considered how this project would <br />be assessed, the attempt was fairness. Without knowing who owned what, <br />they discussed the concept of two units and it seemed fair to the <br />Council to assess per unit. Whatever method is used hits some people <br />harder than others, however, it still seems to be a fair way to do it. <br />The consensus of the Council was to abide by their decision to assess <br />this project on a per unit basis, thereby denying Mr. and Mrs. <br />Hauser's request for reconsideration of their son's double assessment. <br />5. Engineer's Report <br />A. Pebble Park Tennis Court Improvement - Final Payment <br />The Engineer stated that he and Parks Commissioner, Nancy Hanson met <br />
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