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` I formptional Memo for November 20 Meeting P age3 If anybody on the Council desires to participate in the ICMA RC <br />program, we can certainly start issuing W-2 forms to all Council <br />members for their yearly pay and have this placed into the coporation <br />/ through the payroll withholdings. I have some brochures available in <br />my office if any Council member wishes to review this information" <br />9" Attached for your information are three <br />for October, 1984, from the Fire Department, Police Department and <br />Maintenance Department" <br />10" HIMMOM_UMAT <br />A. At the and of the last City Council meeting, Dorothy <br />Lyons approached the Council to discuss the <br />that goes through and along their property. After briefly listening <br />to Dorothy, the Council requested that she provide the staff with <br />material and get placed on the next agenda" This was requested so <br />that the staff could provide background information to the Council on <br />the issue at hand" To date, Dorothy has not approached the staff to <br />get placed on the agenda and efforts to contact her have not been <br />successful. I have placed Public Inquiries on the agenda in case <br />Dororthy decides to make an appearance at this next Coucil meeting" I <br />did not see the need to request the Washington County Parks Director,, <br />Jack Perkovichv to attend this meeting as this may only result in the <br />City listening to two quite opposite and contrary stories" There are <br />legal issues being decided by the courts between the Hammes' and the <br />County and the City should not get in the middle of an existing, <br />difficult situation. The staff feels that this Regional Park entrance <br />road is an issue in which the Hammes' should deal directly with the <br />County. <br />B. M1Q0g~P1CMit The Hammes' mining permit is up for <br />renewal and is on the December 4 City Council agenda" We have sent <br />all the material to the Hammes', but, to date, have not received any <br />information back" (All the Shafer information has been returned and, <br />from the staffs perspective, is acceptable.) The staff does not <br />believe that we should "babysit« the individuals applying for CUP <br />renewals as this is their financial livelihood and the applicants must <br />accept the burden of submitting adequate information in a timely <br />manner. <br />C. GgalEMl : Last year when the mining permit was <br />renewed for the Hammes' there was an extensive discussion, on the <br />Councils part, relating to other City Code violations. It was clearly <br />indicated to the staff that the mining permit renewal should only be <br />based on the mining operation. There were and there are no code <br />violations that relate directly to the Hammes mining operation. <br />However, there are still extensive violations of the City Code <br />relating to junk vehicles, outside storage and rubbish, structures not <br />on perm�anent foundations, etc. The staff has been trying to get <br />compliance with the City Code in these other areas since 1983, but, <br />have not been successful" We have requested the Hammes` to keep us <br />informed on their efforts to clean up their enviornment and to comply <br />with the City Code but no correspondence has been received. Short of <br />issuing citations and going to court, the staff's hands are virtually <br />tied in this case" Even if we do issue citations, once an effort <br />toward compliance is made by the Hammes' then the courts generally <br />` offer decisions that are favorable to the applicant because of the <br />apparent effort to comply" The Council should he reminded that many <br />Twin City residents going to the Regional Park will have their only <br />exposure to Lake Elmo by driving along the Hammes property" This <br />property in effect will be ''the window to our community" and we should <br />