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12-04-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-04-84 CCM
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November 30, 1984 <br />To: Lake Elmo City Council <br />From: Patrick D. Klaers, City Administrator T� <br />Re: Informational Material for December 4, 1984 Council Meeting <br />1. Attached for your information is the most recent City <br />Newsletter dated 11-27-84. This newsletter edition highlights <br />articles on the 201 Program, the Christmas lights and the water rate <br />increase and includes a notice for Commission applications. <br />2. I have been advised by the City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, that <br />the contractors for the MSA project have returned to the site and <br />completed the necessary clean-up work, including work to eliminate the <br />problem indicated by Mr. Friend in his October 16 letter which was <br />previously distributed to the Council. All parties hope that the work <br />that was completed will eliminate the erosion problems discussed by <br />Mr. Friend; but, the real test to see if this problem has been <br />eliminated will come in the spring when the snow turns to rain. <br />3• Attached for your information is an article from the <br />Minnesota Fire Chief magazine of December, 1984. This article <br />discusses the efforts of Washington County and the Lake Elmo Fire <br />Department to provide dry hydrants in the Regional Park to assist in <br />the fire protection of the area. This is just one more example of <br />City/County cooperation between Lake Elmo and Washington County. <br />4. At a Council meeting in October, the City was authorized to <br />obtain some tax forfeit land in the Lake Demontreville area and in <br />Section 32. The City was under the impression that this land would be <br />free. The land in the Demontreville area was desired by the City as a <br />site for a cluster d.rainfield in coordination with the 201 sewer <br />improvement project. I have been informed by the County that there <br />are some back taxes due which amount to less than $140 on the parcel <br />of land in the Lake Demontreville area because of the VBWD 1005 <br />project. I will be sending a letter to VBWD asking that they waive <br />these back taxes and future taxes on this parcel for the 1005 project. <br />But, even if they do not waive these back taxes, this land is still <br />desired by the City and well worth the less than $140 price for back <br />taxes. Unless I hear otherwise from the City Coucil I will be <br />informing the County that the City of Lake Elmo still intends to <br />obtain this land and will be either paying the back taxes or else <br />obtaining a waiver for this payment from VBWD. <br />5. Agent of Record and Insurance Bids Attached for your <br />( information is a letter from the Zignego Insurance Agency explaining <br />the Agent of Record designation. On the backside of the letter is the <br />list of the companies Zignego Agency works with. As the letter <br />indicates, Zignego is formally requesting that we designate their <br />agency as our agent of record for the eight companies listed. <br />
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