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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 12-4-84 PAGE 7 <br />engineering services related to the proposed wastewater facilities <br />improvements entered into the 18th day of October, 1983 as outlined in <br />Amendment No. 4, realizing that no additional costs will be paid to <br />TKDA until the grant is officially amended. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />F. Other (None) <br />4. Public Inquiries (continued) <br />Arlyn Christ advised the City Council that the Jaycees plan to have a <br />cross country ski race on January 19, 1985 starting at the Lake Elmo <br />school and going across the Shiltgen property to Sunfish Park. The <br />race will be sponsored by the Lake Elmo Jaycees, plus additional <br />corporate sponsors. The race will take approximately two hours for <br />everyone to complete. It will be promoted and advertised through <br />local ski shops and businesses. <br />Fraser stated that the effect of this ski race would be to attract a <br />number of additional skiers to Lake Elmo and acquaint them with <br />Sunfish Park. Do we want to do that? Do we want to set the stage for <br />increased useage of Sunfish Park by cross country skiers from outside <br />of this community? <br />Christ stated that when federal grant money is involved, it is very <br />difficult to prohibit this. <br />Fraser stated that there is a big difference between a requirement <br />that it can't be prohibited by federal grant money and a race that is <br />geared to attract outsiders. <br />Dunn asked why we wouldn't want outsiders to know about Sunifish Park. <br />Lake Elmo residents certainly have used cross country trails outside <br />of Lake Elmo. <br />Fraser responded that the level of government that pays for a facility <br />should be consistant with the level that uses the facility. <br />Christ stated that this past fall, the North Star Ski Club (with a <br />membership of approximately 1000) was in Sunfish Park two entire <br />weekends brushing and grooming the park. <br />Morgan stated that the Jaycees have certainly been the biggest <br />contributor to the City Parks outside of the City itself, and being a <br />frequent and avid cross country skier, he has seen the use of Sunfish <br />Park go down very substantially in the last four years, mainly because <br />of the County Park at Pine Point, the State Park at Afton, and all of <br />the communities that are opening up parks. <br />The Administrator stated that the staff polled the Parks Commission <br />members on this proposed race, and none of the eight Commissioner's <br />contacted had any objection to this request. <br />Christ stated that someone will be stationed at the entrance to <br />Sunfish Park advising skiers of the race. <br />t <br />