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12-04-84 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-04-84 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 12-4-84 PAGE 9 <br />Dunn stated he would like to know how the City of Lake Elmo will <br />benefit from this, and would like to hear more about the conference <br />before it is made a permanent part of the Building Official's <br />contract. <br />Fraser stated that she would like to see this included in the <br />contract, so if the decision is made in the future to delete it from <br />the Building Official's contract, the reasons will be clear. In a <br />small town, such as Lake Elmo, where there is only one person on a job <br />as opposed to having several people within a classification where <br />there is some interchange of professional expertise, it is especially <br />important to provide an opportunity to meet and talk with ones <br />colleagues in order to keep abreast of the field, particularly with <br />rapidly changing times. <br />Mazzara concurrs with Dunn in that the Building Official's attendance <br />has already been approved for 1985, and before making this a permanent <br />part of the contract, the Builing Official should sell the Council on <br />the merits of attending this conference annually. <br />Morgan stated he is involved with a lot of professional people and <br />encourages people to attend conferences such as this. However, it is <br />not part of their salary - those wishing to attend something like this <br />have to come in and ask permission each year, and must make a report <br />and show that it has done some good. He is not opposed to the <br />Building Official attending these conferences, but feels it is <br />something that should be negotiated each year. <br />Morgan further stated in regard to the request for an increase in <br />Fringe Benefits, that the Building Official's benefits should be <br />comparable to the other employees in the City. Also, he is not sold <br />on purchasing a car. There are a lot of questions - maintenance, <br />insurance, etc., that have to be addressed. However, he is in favor <br />of what is the most economical and in the best interest of the City. <br />Mazzara suggested a cost analysis be made before deciding whether or <br />not to purchase a car. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Mazzara - To approve the contract for the Building <br />Official for 1985 with fringe benefits consistant with other. City <br />employees; allowing attendance at the 1985 ICBO Annual Business <br />Meeting, (with future attendance contingent upon review and Council <br />approval); and mileage paid at the rate of twenty-eight cents per mile <br />(acknowledging that the Council will review the possibility of leasing <br />or buying a vehicle when a cost analysis is prepared). (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />C. Other (None) <br />
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