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� <br />LAKG EL|1O CI[Y CnUNClL MlNUT ES1) Mum <br />�nwxowmv�u� <br />The meeting <br />was called to order by Mayor <br />Morgan <br />at 7202 p"m^ in the <br />City <br />Council <br />Chambers " Present: Armstrong, <br />Christ, <br />Mazzara and Dunn" <br />Also <br />present <br />Administrator Klaers and Engineer <br />Bohrer. <br />1^ AGENDA -- <br />Additions - 3"2 Non -intoxicating malt liquor license for Lions <br />Club for Lake Elmo Fishing Contetst <br />Authorization for repair of grader <br />Update on watermain break <br />M/S/P Christ/Dunn - to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried <br />2. MINUTES ~ <br />M/S/P Dunn/Christ - to approve the minutes of the January 8, 1985 City <br />Council Meeting as written " Motion carried 5^0. <br />3. CLAIMS - <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn to approve claims 85700 thru 85756" Motion carried <br />\ <br />Q <br />*" PRESENTATION BY PAT WEBER FROM SENATOR RUDY BOSCHWITZ'S OFFICE ~ <br />Ms, Weber introduced herself as Senator Roschwitz`s field representative. <br />She tours the State and meets with local government units and <br />organizations to explain federal programs and inquire about local <br />concerns. Public input is then taken hack to the Senator for his review, <br />Ms. Weber briefly spoke on government and farming; revenue sharing and th <br />federal budget, <br />The Council stated the following issues are of importance to Lake Elmo: <br />landfills; ground water contamination from landfills; more intense <br />recycling and RDF studies; better surface water management with more <br />attention given to water conservation rather than the current philosophy <br />of draining everything to the river; more research for alternative energ <br />sources, especially in Minnesota; providing funds for mandated state and <br />regional programss less federal control and more local control - whenever - <br />possible mandated programs should be handled at the lowest possible <br />government level; federal monies to state, county and local governments <br />that encourages spending (eg, fund availability for tennis courts that ma <br />not really be necessary, but since funding is available the money is <br />accepted and spent); continued availabililty of revenue sharing funds ` <br />cities have come to depend on this as a source of operating expense rathe <br />than its initial intended use for capital improvements. <br />Administrator Klaers will draft a letter to Senator Bosc|witz outlining <br />the concerns presented by the City Council. <br />