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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />FEBRUARY 5, 1985 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor Morgan at 7:00 p.m. in the <br />council chambers. Present: Armstrong, Christ (arrived 7:05) Dunn, <br />Mazzara, Administrator Klaers. <br />1. Agenda <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - To adopt the agenda as amended. Add 5A - <br />Proclamation for Safety Sabbath, 7A - Update on City Attorney search, <br />8G - City Insurance. (Motion carried 4-0) <br />2. Minutes: January 22, 1985 <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Armstrong - To approve the minutes of the January 22, <br />1985 city council meeting as written. (Motion carried 4-0) <br />3. Claims <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Armstrong - To approve claims 85757 thru 85815 as <br />presented. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />4. Appointments: <br />A. Citizen representatives on 834 and 622 Community <br />Education Advisory Board <br />The Council was provided with the Proposed Guidelines For School <br />District 834 Community Education Advisory Council. They were further <br />advised that there has been but one response to the ad in the City <br />Newsletter soliciting interested citizens to serve on this board. The <br />notice will continue to run in the City Newsletter, and brought back <br />to the council when applications are received. <br />B. Parks Commission - Second Alternate <br />The council reviewed the two applications for this position; Tom <br />Simpson, 5270 Jamaca Blvd. N. and Ronald Ramirez, 8840 27th Ct. N. <br />Mr. Ramirez attended the meeting and was interviewed by the council. <br />The council also wishes to interview Mr. Simpson and he will be asked <br />to attend the next meeting. <br />As there is only one vacancy on the Parks Commission, Mr. Ramirez was <br />asked if he would be interested in filling the vacancy on the Planning <br />Commission. Mr. Ramirez stated he was interested in the Planning <br />Commission vacancy should the other applicant be chosen for the Parks <br />Commission. <br />5. Public Inquiries <br />A. NATIONAL SAFETY SABBATH <br />Violet Wagoner, representing the Lake Elmo VFW, asked the City to <br />proclaim February 14 thru February 17, 1985 as NATIONAL SAFETY SABBATH <br />in Lake Elmo. The intent of this proclamation is to request that all <br />