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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4-16-85 PAGE 11 <br />Monday, April 15th to reach an agreement on what is allowed to be on <br />our local lake rule signs, and what would be acceptable to the DNR. <br />The DNR indicated that these rules must reflect the Surface Water <br />ordinance regulation, and not relate to the acces itself. <br />Morgan stated his concern with eliminating the rule "When this lot has <br />8 vehicles with boats, Lake is at capacity. No more launching or <br />parking". It is a DNR standard of one boat per 20 acres of lake <br />surface. Lake Jane has 160 acres, which means that you should only <br />have 8 boats on that lake. <br />Morgan feels that the parking lot should only be big enough to hold <br />the number of boats that are permissible for acreage of lake. He <br />further stated he has counted 22 parking spaces at Lake Jane, and <br />feels that there should be a restriction as to the number of boats <br />that are allowed on the lake through the accesses. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - To allow the lake rules signs to be constructed <br />which will indicate (1) No Littering; (2) No boats above slow/no wake <br />speed: 6:00 p.m. until Noon; (3) Boats operating over 5 mph must <br />travel counter clockwise; (4) Boat launching is restricted to public <br />access. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P Morgan/Armstrong - That the parking lot at each public access <br />have a sign posted indicating the restriction of the number of <br />allowable vehicles and trailers. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />2. Citizens request to work in DeMontreville Park <br />The Council acknowledged a letter from the Residents of DeMontreville <br />Park Neighborhood dated March 30, 1985 regarding Park Access <br />Improvement at DeMontreville Park. <br />This letter petitions the lake Elmo Parks Commission to place top <br />priority on opening up a walking path access from Lake DeMontreville <br />into the DeMontreville Park. The residents further petitioned that <br />they be allowed, as volunteers, to improve the access according to the <br />direction of the maintenance foreman to do the following work: (1) Cut <br />brush and small trees within a three foot radius of foot path; (2) <br />Install wood steps where necessary for steep inclines; (3) Fill in <br />small low areas for easy walking; (4) Install two log posts at <br />entrance for limitation of motorized vehicles; (5) Install small <br />bridge, if necessary, to traverse creek or water bed. <br />The Administrator advised the Council that a couple of Parks <br />Commission members would work with this group, and indicated that one <br />maintenance crew member would work with this group the first time out <br />so that he is familiar with what they are doing, and can offer his <br />thoughts and ideas. <br />M/S/P Christ/Morgan - To support the Park Access Improvements for <br />DeMontreville Park as outlined in letter of March 30, 1985, as <br />recommended by the Parks Commission. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong - To adjourn the meeting (9:45 p.m.) (Motion <br />carried 5-0) <br />