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Infomational Memo for April 16 Meeting <br />Page 3 <br />13^ Attached for your information are the results of the IGO_FiCE <br />/ .Tev���tig[l inspection. This report indicates very little change in the <br />� past, although, our rating was upgraded from 7 to 6^ This does not affect <br />insurance payments by area residents or businesses as all cities grouped <br />in the 3 to 7 catagories receive the same insurance rates" <br />14" Attached is an article on the <br />ggpply issue from the April 11, 1985 Minneapolis Tribune. Ramsey County <br />sent the Tribune a resolution, that they approved, relating to the <br />municipal drinking water supply proposal" It seems that the Tribune has <br />just learned that the eastern part of the metropolitan area is <br />experiencing some contaminated ground water problems relating to <br />landfills" I had numerous conversations with the reporter that drafted <br />this article and referred them to the county for additional information. <br />15" Attached is a letter from Washington County relating to <br />Uggygling efforts in the south Washington County area. It is appropriate <br />that this letter was carbon copied to Nancy Prince" Even though Nancy is <br />not the Planning Commission Chair any longer, she has expressed interest <br />in the recycllng program and was designated by the Planning Commission as <br />the lead individual to explore recycling opportunites in and around Lake <br />Elmo" <br />16. Attached are three sets of yBWD minutes. The Council may want <br />to review these minutes as the issues that were discussed at these <br />February meetings relate directly to Lake Elmo and the 509 Plan. <br />17" Attached is a copy of the personal profile that the Washington <br />( <br />` County Review did on Kgg~CgEEgll from our Maintenance Department. The <br />article highlights Ken`s work and home life. <br />