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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 <br />SEPTEMBER 24, 1985 <br />Prior to the start of this meeting, the council members were given a <br />demonstration and inspected the front end loader that was brought into <br />the parking lot. <br />This special City Council meeting to review the 1986 Budget was called <br />to order by Mayor Morgan at 7:15 p.m. Present: Armstrong, Christ, <br />Dunn, Mazzara, Acting Administrator Banister. <br />Arlyn Christ presented a computer print out on the needs for a front <br />end loader. Olinger pointed out that if the City Council goes ahead <br />with this purchase, it should purchase the snowplow separately because <br />it will take up to eight weeks for delivery. After further disucssion <br />between the City Council and Dan Olinger, the following action was <br />taken. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Christ - To purchase a snowplow for the front end loader, <br />as recommended by the Maintenance Foreman, at a cost not to exceed <br />$4000. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />M/S/P Christ/Dunn - To instruct Dan Olinger and Marilyn Banister to <br />proceed with the advertising for bids for a front end loader with a <br />bucket and wing using the specifications from Washington County and <br />Mahtomedi (who have each just purchased this piece of equipment). <br />(Motion carried 5-0) <br />The pay plan portion of the Budget was discussed with the suggestion <br />made that the City Council review the pay policy with the employees <br />every six months. Arlyn Christ suggested leaning more towards "merit" <br />increases rather than following the present pay plan. Bruce Dunn <br />concurred and added that he felt that productivity is far more <br />important than tenure and we should have a different way of reviewing <br />the pay ranges. <br />Mike Mazzara pointed out that the proposed 4% increase (which the 1986 <br />Pay Plan calls for) is higher than the actual rate of inflation which <br />is 3.3%. After further discussion on this issue, the Council agreed <br />that 4% was a reasonable increase. <br />Marilyn Banister pointed out that even with 4% pay increases, the <br />total budget increase is less than 4% (3.74% actual), and that the mil <br />rate will decrease at least one mil because there will be no sealcoat <br />levy in 1986. <br />M/S/P Christ/Morgan - To adopt the 1986 Budget, including the pay <br />plan, as presented. (Motion carried 5-0) <br />Bruce Dunn suggested selling the old grader and International truck. <br />The Council instructed Marilyn Banister to proceed with the <br />requirements for the sale of these items by sealed bid. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. <br />