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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 24, 1985 PAGE 2 <br />City Attorney Knaak stated that if the City makes this application <br />to the Valley Branch Watershed District, the VBWD could assess the <br />costs to the City as the applicant. If the cost exceeds the <br />$6,000, the City would be responsible for these costs. <br />Mayor Morgan summed it up that as a City we are asking permission <br />to allow some Legion Pond property owners to pump water from one <br />place to another and do this experiment to see if it will affect <br />the level of Legion Pond. There has been $4,000 spent on an <br />engineering study, and we have learned nothing. What we are <br />trying to do is find out if that pond can be drained. If it <br />cannot be drained, it tells these people that they have to <br />approach this in an entirely different way. <br />Councilman Mazzara reported that the VBWD was concerned about the <br />amount of water that we could hold at Eagle Point Lake and the <br />problems of the water possibly going over the dam. As of now, <br />there is a culvert at Eagle Point Lake and water is flowing <br />through. There is a control device in the culvert and that can be <br />raised up about 3 inches before the water continues to run and <br />that would handle the 40 acre feet. Question was asked by <br />Councilwoman Armstrong if this would be flooding out Horseshoe <br />Lake before you get this project accomplished and was answered <br />that there will be no affect on Horseshoe Lake. <br />Councilman Dunn asked the City Attorney that if the City is going <br />to petition and we are assuming liability, what are the total <br />liabilities that the City is assuming. City Attorney Knaak <br />replied that if it is granted, it is in the jurisdiction of the <br />VBWD. Then they can run their own engineering study and their own <br />project. The city could be protected by a written <br />indemnification. If the project is defined as, as much as these <br />property owners want to pump and is brought to the VBWD in that <br />regard and, is granted with that contingency, then as long as the <br />City has this indemnification agreement, there should be no <br />problem. <br />City Administrator Overby brought up that the question of applying <br />for a permit from the DNR should be addressed. If the DNR felt <br />that we acted improperly, Civil fines could be assessed according <br />to City Attorney Knaak. <br />Councilman Dunn suggested that what goes before the VBWD should be <br />a reflection of the consensus of the Council in writing so there <br />would not be any riders or misunderstandings. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to apply for a permit from the Valley Branch <br />Watershed District on behalf of the six property owners of Legion <br />Pond that requested to implement a test pumping study project to <br />move 40 acre feet (2 feet) from Legion Pond into Lake Elmo, with <br />an equivalent amount of water to be held at Eagle Point Lake, <br />contingent upon written indemnification from the property owners <br />that they will pay all costs and assume all liabilities resulting <br />from implementation of the project. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to adjourn the special meeting at 6:50 p.m. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />