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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1985 PAGE 5 <br />would have to perform percolation tests and soil borings to make <br />sure that the water level stays where the applicant thinks it <br />will. The natural ground of the four lots appeared to be filled <br />during the subdivision process. <br />Andy Rolling presented documentation voicing the neighbors' <br />concern about the safety and suitability of these four lots to <br />accept such a system. Bohrer advised that a definiton of a mound <br />is a treatment bed in an elevated location where just a minimum of <br />1 foot of sand is required under this bed and it can be within 2 <br />feet of the groundwater table. Mounds as defined by the City code <br />are not permitted in a first time installation. They are only <br />allowed for a replacement system. The code does allow the adding <br />of fill to provide the separation from the groundwater table, and <br />after a settling period and proper testing, a. conventional trench <br />type drainfield is allowed to be constructed in this type of first <br />time installation. <br />Christ - the area was a swamp at one time and this individual <br />bought it, filled it in with hopes that he could take swamp land <br />and make it buildable, but it didn't work. He suggests Derrick <br />dig it out and put the correct fill in. <br />Armstrong - doesn't feel that there is any way that water can seep <br />through it because it is a swamp unless possibly a seal can be <br />broken. <br />Gary Bance - what they are showing on the plot is actually level <br />with the back of his yard. Then they are showing a slight slope <br />coming down the side on the otherside of the lot so the water is <br />running down there and hitting a level spot for 125 feet. But then <br />they are taking it out between the next two lots, and he has <br />doubts as to how well that is going to work. His backyard right <br />now is a bog because he has areas that do not have enough <br />drainage. Bance would like some kind of assurance if he gets <br />water problems because of this additional fill that such problems <br />would be corrected. <br />Bohrer was asked if this would be a safe corner. He hasn't <br />reviewed it specifically for it being a safe corner, but there is <br />a stop or yield sign there. The fill would not be in any line of <br />sight for traffic. Thera is about a 247 boulevard with no fill on <br />the boulevard and a 10' or 12' utility easement beyond that. <br />Bohrer - it cannot be determined at this time what the floor <br />levels of these houses will be. <br />Kurt Laughinghouse, Derrick Land - The slopes that are proposed <br />are very gentle and not the same as across the street, but they <br />are similar to those on the east side of the street. The sharpest <br />slope is on the south side of Lot 4 where they have a drainage <br />swale proposed, and that slope is a 3 to 1 slope so that it can be <br />mowed with a riding lawn mower. <br />Dunn - if you pulled out some of the existing soil that you <br />