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01-21-86 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-21-86 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1986 PAGE 5 <br />4-0-1<Mazzara>). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. School Crossing Lights, Beacons <br />Mr. Morey Jensen and Mr.Bill Rhodenbaugh from School Dist. #834 <br />were in attendance to discuss the possibiity of installing a two <br />way flasher light and spliting the cost with the City. <br />Mr. Rodenbaugh indicated that the people are concerned about some <br />type of safety option on Highway 5 and this has been brought up to <br />the State several times. <br />Mn/DOT estimated that the total <br />$8,000. Their participation is <br />share would be $4,000. There is <br />is estimated as $200 a year. <br />cost of the flasher would be <br />estimated as half so the local <br />also an ongoing power cost which <br />Mayor Morgan suggested that we could move back the 40 mph speed <br />zone signs and alert our deputies to be more vigilant in policing <br />this speed zone. <br />City Engineer Bohrer stated that Mn/DOT had pointed out that they <br />felt the most effective safety measure is having an adult crossing <br />guard present. Mr. Rodenbaugh replied that there is an adult <br />crossing guard at 8:10 a.m. and again at 2:30 p.m., but there <br />might be one or two children that might cross at other times. <br />Councilmember Dunn - MN/DOT was not too optimistic about anything <br />slowing down traffic and concluded that once people got use to the <br />lights they still assume the same driving behavior. Mr. <br />Rhodenbaugh expressed that when he sees an amber light flashing he <br />takes notice of it and slows down. He feels that cars from a <br />distance away will see this flashing light and proceed to slow <br />down. <br />Councilmember Armstrong suggested that there should be a sign <br />"School" so people knew why they had to slow down. <br />Mayor Morgan stated that there is a realistic concern. The school <br />is close to a very busy road that has a high velocity of speed and <br />if there is anything the City can do to make it safer for the <br />children we should do it. The State is willing to particiate <br />because there is more than 500 vehicles per hour so they are <br />admitting there is some reason to have this flasher. <br />Dunn - This involves a state highway and the school district, why <br />should the City be involved when Mn/DOT states that the lights <br />will not improve safety and they are unwilling to share in expense <br />of a light. After all Mn/DOT is the expert on traffic. Are we <br />talking about spending money for a housekeeping item that may or <br />may not work? The beacon runs constantly and everyone will get <br />use to this light and eventually won't even notice it. I would <br />support one that states "When Children are Present, xxx speed <br />
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