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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1986 PAGE 7 <br />are approximately 37 restorations, but none are residents in Lake <br />Elmo. <br />Mayor Morgan - On a cul-de-sac where no one desires cable, does <br />the commission have the right to put it in. Eder replied that the <br />commission requires that every person had. to be provided possible <br />access to cable. <br />Mr. Eder is serving on the Verification Committee that verifies if <br />the system is complete and how well it measures up to the <br />standards they had proposed in their proposal. They had proposed <br />an audio van, but found out there are too many interferences to <br />transmit. These things will be negotiated out in the next thirty <br />days. A written report will follow and be sent to the City. <br />In a future meeting Dave Garloff could come and advise the City on <br />long range plans on the future of the relationship of <br />municipalities to cable. You would be advised as to how you could <br />use the municipal system such as warning notices, meeting notices <br />and religious and institution access. Funds and grants could be <br />given to cities to encourage them to use the system. <br />Mayor Morgan handed Maynard Eder a gift and a plaque thanking him <br />for his service to the City from January 1981 to December of 1984. <br />B. Office Site Analysis Report - Larry Bohrer <br />City Engineer Bohrer advised that a preliminary review of <br />available data was made on a 50 acre site for the possible <br />construction of a new City Office. The site is bounded on the <br />south bu TH 5, on the southeast by Stillwater Lane, on the east by <br />the Sunfish Park Entrance, and on the north by Sunfish park land. <br />The site is well drained and contains two low spots which could be <br />used to satisfy any ponding requirements. <br />The Washington County Soil Survey lists most of the site soils as <br />having only slight limitations for drainfield purposes because <br />they are predominantly sandy. The only areas unsuited for <br />drainfields would be the ridge in the northeast corner because of <br />steep slopes, and the two low areas. <br />The Soil Survey lists the subsoils as being predominantly sands; <br />therefore they should be suitable for building foundations. <br />Heavier topsoils will have to be removed in the area of driveways <br />and parking lots to eliminate frost heave problems. <br />Water must be supplied by an individual well. This site is 1/4 to <br />1/2 mile southeast of the Landfill Well Advisory Area. <br />Access could be gained on Highway 5, Stillwater Lane or the Park <br />Entrance. Access would most likely come off the Park road. <br />Bohrer stated that the site is generally suited to development <br />with no severe limitations. <br />