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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 24, 1986 PAGE 3 <br />D. Public Hearing : Variance related to a simple lot <br />subdivision -Matt Northrup, 3200 Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />Mayor Morgan opened up the public hearing at 8:04 p.m. in the City <br />Council chambers. <br />Mrs. Constance K. Smith proposed to subdivide her 5.9 acre parcel <br />at 3200 Lake Elmo Avenue into two lots. Since the property was <br />previously platted as Lake Elmo Park, it can be divided by a <br />Simple Lot Subdivision. The property also abuts Lake Elmo, which <br />means shoreland regulations apply. Two variances will be <br />necessary - variance for lot size of 1.12 acres where 1.5 acres is <br />required, and the lot width of 55 feet where 150 feet is required. <br />Also, the City Code requires that a hardship on the land must be <br />demonstrated in granting variances. <br />Matt Northrup explained that these are the last lots on Lake Elmo <br />that can be subdivided and no other lots on this lake could come <br />as near to meeting the code as they are proposing. Kromschroder <br />was given a variance for less than an acre and they are on the <br />flood plain. Northrup quoted out of the code that a literal <br />interpretation of the provisions of the ordinance would deprive <br />the applicant from rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in <br />the same district. He pointed out that to the west all the lots <br />are between 45 to 65 feet in width. The hardship is that we have <br />a pie shaped lot and are taking a pie shaped piece off of it. <br />City Enginner Bohrer clarified that Kromschroder's parcel was <br />platted in 1978 and the lot size is two acres of which one acre is <br />above the normal ordinary high water mark. The only variance they <br />received was a setback variance of 65 feet where 75 feet is <br />required for the alternate drainfield site. <br />Councilman Dunn brought up that <br />lot frontage can be met by just <br />also said if you have less than <br />prove a hardship. <br />both the lot size and shoreland <br />simply changing the lot lines. He <br />the required lot size you have to <br />Northrup stated that the city code requirement for shoreland lot <br />frontage is a lot width of 150 feet at the widest part of the <br />property and it does not say on the lake. We did meet that <br />requirement when we had proposed 1.5 acres, but the Planning <br />Commission requested cleaner lot lines. He further stated that <br />Molly Comeau from the DNR had no major concerns over the proposed <br />subdivision, since there is adequate area to meet the structure <br />and septic system setbacks. <br />Richard Miller, neighbor to the westside - I understand and am in <br />agreement with the Northrup proposal because it does keep the <br />proportions with the rest of the big house and it would be nice to <br />keep the option open of another lot and lake frontage. <br />Peter Banister, 3150 Lake Elmo Avenue - I feel to divide the land <br />any other way would spoil this parcel of land. The Council should <br />go out to the property and look at the layout of the land. <br />