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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 1986 PAGE 2 <br />City Administrator Overby stated that the City has a shoreland <br />ordinance application from Mr. McCollar, but it was not put on the <br />agenda because the staff is not finished reviewing it. Jim <br />McNamara added that there would be a variance needed from lot <br />size, from the lot width setback and a shoreland variance. <br />Because this requires 10 days notice for a public hearing, this <br />will be scheduled for the June 17th City Council meeting. City <br />Attorney Knaak responded that he would be happy to answer any code <br />questions that Mr. McCollar would raise. <br />5. Jaycees; Huff N'Puff Days <br />Kathy Hemen and Terry Mazzara from the Lake Elmo Jaycees appeared <br />before the Council to discuss the plans for the Huff n' Puff's <br />loth Anniversary celebration August 13-17, 1986. Activities will <br />include a water show put on by the Bald Eagle Water Ski Club, <br />softball, tennis and cribbage tournaments, junior olympics, hot <br />air balloon tether rides, homerun derby, horseshoes, volley ball <br />tournaments, an outdoor dance, 10K race at the Regional Park, kids <br />games, golf, and a week long treasure hunt. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Christ - to adopt Resolution 86-33 acknowledging Huff <br />n'Puff's loth Anniversary celebration from August 13-17, 1986 and <br />the signficant contribution that the Lake Elmo Jaycees have made <br />to the City of Lake Elmo. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />6. Speeding Problem on 36th Street - Petition for Speed Zone <br />Study <br />Richard Quinn of 8929 36th Street N. presented a petition to the <br />City Council requesting that the speed limit on 36th Street be <br />lowered to 20 mph. The traffic -safety problem concerns drivers <br />who exceed the statutory speed of 30 mph and also the physical <br />conditions of the street (poor visibility) both of which could <br />lead to an injury or fatality while children are crossing or <br />walking along this street. <br />City Engineer Bohrer advised the Council that the City has the <br />authority over the cautionary signs, but does not have authority <br />over the speed limit signs. Bohrer recommended that with the <br />Council's approval the City would take care of the advisory type <br />signs and would make a request to Mn/DOT for a speed zone study. <br />M/S/P Christ/Morgan - to instruct the City staff to erect <br />"caution" signs along 36th street while City Engineer Bohrer will <br />proceed with a request to Mn/DOT for a speed zone study and <br />indicate their preference of 20 mph. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />