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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 1, 1986 PAGE 10 <br />Michael Bouthilet has been working in the position of General <br />Maintenance Worker since November 25, 1985. Based on Mike's <br />performance and abilities, City Administrator Overby recommends <br />that he be given a 4% raise to $10.43 per hour retroactive to May <br />25, 1986. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Christ - to approve a 4% raise for Michael Bouthilet <br />to $10.43 per hour retroactive to May 25, 1986. (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />C. City Assessor Contract <br />Frank Langer offered to handle the assessment services for Lake <br />Elmo at a rate of 10% below the County's current rate of $4.40 per <br />parcel ($3.96). Mr. Langer will start work in mid -July. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Mazzara - to adopt Resolution 86-40 to approve the <br />assessment contract between Frank Langer and the City of Lake <br />Elmo. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Joint City Council -Planning Commission Meeting <br />On July 28th, a joint meeting of the Planning Commission and the <br />City Council will be held. This will provide an opportunity for <br />the City Council to give input on the Comprehensive Plan to the <br />Planning Commission members so they know their ideas will be <br />supported later at the Council review and approval phase. It was <br />decided that the Erickson representatives should wait with <br />presenting their concept plan until the City Council can act on it <br />after the Development Moratorium has ended. <br />E. City Office Building <br />Arlyn Christ presented various color schemes for the exterior <br />surface of the building. The brown roof was chosen by the City <br />Council for the new City Building. City Administrator Overby will <br />present the various color schemes to the Brookfield people. <br />Councilman Christ added that it appears we are under budget on <br />material costs and everything looks good. <br />F. Reid Park <br />Mike Mazzara reported that the backstop is up at Reid Park. He <br />has talked to Howard Durand of the School District and Mr. Durand <br />expressed interest in an extra ballfield. They would improve the <br />field if we let them use it. The Council felt this proposal makes <br />sense, but had some questions. City Attorney Knaak could write-up <br />an agreement. City Administrator Overby will ask the Parks <br />Commission for their recommendation. <br />G. Composting Contract <br />City Administrator Overby will look into securing a check for Boy <br />Scout Troop 162 for work done at the Compost site. <br />