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" 5I111 _ . WT <br />On July 1, 1986, Mr. Maurice Mccollar came before the Lake Elmo City Council in <br />public hearing for the purpose of variance to the Lake Elmo City Code to <br />construct an attached garage. Based on the the testimony and other evidence <br />adduced at the hearing, the City Council makes the following: <br />�aEi�i�}fi[ebYi]aia1:L�� <br />1. That public notice was duly sent and published. <br />2. That there is no written consent or agreement from the neighbors <br />regarding the attached garage. <br />3. That the McCollar property consists of two contiguous parcels. <br />The northerly parcel (House No. 8034) consists of 0.12 acres <br />and the southerly parcel (House No. 8042) consists of 0.46 <br />acres. The combined total area is 0/58 acres. <br />4. That since all of the contiguous land is considered one parcel <br />in the Code, the property in question contains two principal <br />structures. <br />5. That the garage is proposed to be located 81 feet from the <br />MOHW where 100 feet is required, although the garage is to <br />be located behind the house as viewed from the lake. <br />6. That the site plan shows the garage will be 95 feet from the <br />street - - only 30 feet is required. <br />7. That the site plan states that the proposed additions will be <br />about 23 feet above the lake which exceeds the minimum building <br />elevation. <br />8. That ordinarily the septic system is not evaluated for a garage, <br />but in the case of very small lots, a garage and driveway may <br />occupy land which might be used for an alternate drainfield <br />site. McCollar stated that the sanitary septic system was <br />brought up to Lake Elmo standards in 1965 or 1977. <br />9. That Mr. McCollar's argument that a garage in Minnesota is taken <br />for granted does not establish a hardship and that the house in <br />question has been without a garage until the present without any <br />clear hardship rsulting therefrom. <br />10. That economic consideration alone cannot serve as the basis of a <br />hardship. <br />