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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 1986 PAGE 2 <br />M/S/P Morgan/Dunn - to refer Ken Sovereign's request for a <br />variance from the Development Moratorium to the Planning <br />Commission. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Fill Policy <br />Jim Weyer, representing the Lake Jane Association, asked the City <br />Council to reconsider the policy adopted by the City on August 5, <br />1986 in providing fill and/or sand to property owners affected by <br />high water. He based this request on an agreement for an easement <br />between the City of Lake Elmo and George Hedges which allowed <br />water to flow into Lake Jane. This agreement terminated on <br />September 15, 1975. However, the water is still flowing through <br />this easement and this ditch has never been covered up. The City, <br />in turn for allowing this easement, agreed to remove water from <br />Lake Jane by pumping or otherwise. Weyer added that the City has a <br />moral obligation and commitment to help any property owner <br />affected by the high water. <br />Councilman Christ stated that the Maintenance crew cannot afford <br />the time to spend days hauling fill because the City is not in the <br />sand hauling business. The City would have to contract with a <br />private hauler. He further asked why should the City do this <br />versus the private sector. He expressed concern for all the <br />people affected by the high water, but questioned as to when does <br />the City quit and private enterprise take over. <br />Councilman Dunn explained that this policy was brought about <br />because of extended discussions and excessive demands for fill <br />from Legion Pond and not just Lake Jane. If there is an emergency <br />situation, then it should be brought before the full Council as an <br />individual case. An open City-wide policy has caused the City to <br />lose control and people have abused it. Dunn felt that the current <br />policy is good because the City does have the control. <br />Mayor Morgan felt uncomfortable with not being in a position to <br />help and felt that the next eight months are critical. In his <br />opinion, he felt that it has not gotten out of hand, has been <br />under the City Engineer's supervision and it is not a significant <br />amount compared to other City expenditures. <br />Councilwoman Armstrong stated that the City has helped the people <br />that needed help and was not in favor of changing the adopted <br />policy. <br />Mayor Morgan suggested that the City Council work the problem and <br />see if a compromise could be made that is more reassuring to the <br />people and acceptable to the Council. <br />Reid Park <br />Susan Weisbrod, 11356 30th St. N, presented her concerns in a <br />letter regarding the amount of development that is planned for <br />Reid Park. Her concerns were as follows: development of <br />ballfields and playground that will draw crowds of people; that if <br />the ballfields are developed with bleachers, lights will draw <br />organized teams; that alcoholic beverages are being consumed on <br />