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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 1986 PAGE 4 <br />City Engineer Bohrer recommended that Furseth and Shanley be added <br />to Part D because they cannot upgrade on their own lots, they are <br />adjacent to planned cluster systems, and there will be no delay to <br />the project. It was recommended that all other requests be denied <br />because of the probable delay to the project. <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - to accept Larry Bohrer's recommendation to <br />allow David Furseth, 8004 50th Street, and Steve Shanley, 2797 <br />Legion Avenue to be added to Part D of the 201 Program because <br />they cannot upgrade on their own lots, they are adjacent to <br />planned cluster systems, and there will be no delay to the <br />project. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Mazzara/Dunn - to accept Larry Bohrer's recommendation that <br />all other requests be denied because of the probable delay to the <br />project. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />6. Public Hearing : Variance Request on Maximum Size of <br />Accessory tructure in the R-R Zone -- <br />Richard and Jackie McNamara, 10321 loth St. N. <br />Richard and Jackie McNamara wish to build a 144 foot by 54 foot <br />addition to their existing barn. The size of the existing barn <br />(45x35) is 1,575 square feet. The new addition would increase the <br />total building size by 7,776 square feet to 9,351 feet. Public <br />notice was duly sent and published. <br />Mayor Morgan opened up the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. <br />The building will be metal and used as an arena to work the <br />animals and for hay and machinery storage. It was suggested that <br />this would be a fine building to erect, but they would rather see <br />the McNamara's in Ag zoning. Mrs. McNamara stated they would be <br />more than happy to apply for Ag zoning, but because of the <br />Development Moratorium this is not possible. <br />On the advise of the City Attorney, this variance request would <br />first need to have a variance from the Development Moratorium. <br />Mayor Morgan closed the public hearing at 8:10 p.m. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn - to refer the request to the Planning <br />Commission for a variance to the Development Moratorium for an <br />Accessory Building Size and/or Rezoning to Agricultural to be <br />considered from Richard and Jackie McNamara. (Motion carred 5-0). <br />7. Request for Variance from Development Moratorium: <br />Joe Rogers and Brockman Trucking Company <br />Representing Joe Rogers, Don Raleigh presented his request for a <br />variance from the Development Moratorium to allow the Planning <br />Commission and City Council to consider Mr. Roger's proposal to <br />rezone a 17 acre tract of land located west of the junction of <br />State Highway 5 and Stillwater Road to zoning classification <br />