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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 1986 PAGE 2 <br />provides for precisely the situation we are dealing with here, <br />where we have an owner of two undersized lots and both of these <br />lots taken separately would be undersized according to City code <br />purposes. Knaak added that this problem has been made very clear <br />to Dr. McCollar and his attorney. What Dr. McCollar is trying to <br />do is subdivide the parcels or at least sell part of it which is <br />not permitted under the code. It would be permitted to sell the <br />whole tract under the code. Adding the improvements to the house <br />knowing full well that this was the code provision and if that is <br />what he chose to risk then this was his option. That should not <br />require the City to change its code for one person. <br />City Administrator Overby responded that the City had responded to <br />Dr. McCollar's and his attorney's requests. Countless staff hours <br />have been spent trying to explain to him what the provisions of <br />the code are. In some cases, including the question of <br />subdivision, Mr. McCollar refuses to recognize what the City code <br />provisions are. There are other properties that people want to <br />try to sell and we don't control the sale of land, but when it <br />conflicts with our code then there is a problem. <br />City Attorney Knaak also added that to the best of his knowledge, <br />there had been no coyness on the part of the City Staff in dealing <br />with Mr. McCollar or his attorney and resented the inference that <br />Mr. Hinrichs made that things were not being done by the City__ <br />because they were being done. <br />5. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. 201 Project. <br />1. John Prokosch Residence, 10907 32nd Street North <br />Mr. John Prokosch is planned to be served by a joint collector <br />treatment system known as Old Village Remote "C" in Part D of the <br />201 Program. His septic tank has recently collapsed, leaving a <br />pool of raw sewage in the front yard. Realizing that Part D <br />construction will not be done until 1987, Mr. Prokosch asked if <br />anything could be done on an emergency basis. The Engineer <br />reported that he had discussed the situation with MPCA and <br />obtained verbal approval to install an emergency septic holding <br />tank, similar to what was done for the three homes on Lake Jane <br />last winter. Two contractors were asked to submit quotes for the <br />work. They are as follows: <br />Widmer, Inc. $3,940.00 <br />Sullivan's Services $4,125.00 <br />The Engineer recommended the Council award the work to the low <br />bidder, Widmer, Inc., contingent upon MPCA approval. If the MPCA <br />concurs in the award, this means that the City's grant will be <br />amended to include this work. Next year when Part D is under <br />construction, this work will be fully utilized in the planned <br />improvements. <br />Bohrer added that the Legion Pond people had asked if something <br />