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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 1986 PAGE 5 <br />6. Public Hearing: Request for Variance to the Development <br />Moratorium Ordinance, Ken Sovereign <br />Mayor Morgan called the public hearing to order at 7:46 p.m. In the <br />City Council chambers. <br />This request was originally discussed at the September 2, 1986 City <br />Council meeting. At that time, the City Council was informed by the <br />City Attorney that a public hearing be held to allow the City Council <br />take official action on the variance request. <br />Councilman Christ stated that this application has been in front of <br />the Planning Commission prior to the implementation of the moratorium <br />unlike any other moratorium variances that have been denied and this <br />was not Mr. Sovereign's doing. <br />Mayor Morgan closed the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. <br />M/S/P/ Dunn/Christ - to grant Ken Sovereign a variance to the <br />Development Moratorium Ordinance on the basis that the timing of the <br />moratorium prevented him from following through with City Council <br />action on his subdivision and preliminary plat, such action having <br />been tabled from a council meeting prior to the enactment of the <br />moratorium. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. Public Hearing: Variance to Minimum Lot Size in R-1 Zone; <br />Variance from Minimum Shoreland Frontage; Variance from <br />"One Percent Rule" for Ponding Area; Simple Lot Subdivision: <br />Preliminary Plat - Ken Sovereign; -Mayor 'Morgan called the public hearing to <br />order at 7:46 p.m. -in the City Council chambers. <br />Mr. Sovereign is proposing a two lot subdivision. Since this property <br />is unplatted, the single lot subdivision does not apply and platting <br />is required. The plat abuts Olson Lake, therefore Shoreland <br />Regulations also apply. The following is the City Engineer's review. <br />Variances are required for lot size on Lot 1 and lot width <br />requirements on both lots. <br />1. Lot 1 is 1.0 acres where 1.5 acres is requiried and is part of a <br />11 acre parcel. Lot 2 is 1.65 acres. <br />2. Both lots have the required 125 feet of .frontage on a public <br />street (CSAH 13)• <br />3. Each lot has 125 feet of lot width at the lake, where Shoreland <br />Regulations require 150 feet. <br />4. Percolation tests and soil borings were furnished for Lot 1 which <br />indicate there is sufficient land available for a drainfield plus an <br />alternate. The actual sizing and layout of the system will be done at <br />the time of the building permit application. Lot 2 has an existing <br />house on it, which is owned by Mrs. Sovereign but rented out. <br />5. Access is presently provided to the rented house on Lot 2 by <br />sharing a common driveway to the Sovereign home. At the time Lot 2 is <br />