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LAKE ELMO <br />CITY <br />COUNCIL MINUTES <br />JANUARY 20, <br />1987 PAGE 2 <br />vacancies. <br />The <br />new applicants <br />were briefly <br />interviewed. <br />1. Gloria Knoblauch, 9181 31st St. N. <br />2. Frederick Nazarian, 5450 Highlands Trail North <br />3. Robert Enes, 5040 Lake Elmo Avenue <br />4. Tom Simpson, 5270 Jamaca Blvd. N. <br />5. Bruce W. Beutel, 3590 Laverne Avenue N.(Not in attendance) <br />6. Bruce Dunn, 11018 Upper 33rd St. <br />7. Ed Stevens, 10133 ,47th St. N. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to appoint to the Lake Elmo Planning Commission <br />Tom Simpson as a Regular Member, Ed Stevens as First Alternate, <br />and Rob Enes as Second Alternate. (Motion 4-1<Armstrong:she did <br />not see any reason to pull Tom Simpson off of the Parks Commission <br />as he has served less than two years. She had the opportunity to <br />work with him on Kleis Park and had heard nothing but good things <br />on his work with the commission>). <br />5. Sunfish Lake Parking Problems <br />Discussion under the Public Inquiries section of the last council <br />meeting (1-6-87) covered concerns by Roger Beaubien, Pat Riley and <br />other residents living along Sunfish Lake who have had problems <br />with people trespassing across their property in order to gain <br />access to the lake for ice fishing. <br />Since the Council meeting, the City Administrator had talked to <br />Mn/DOT, the Deputy Sheriff, the DNR and local residents. The <br />following is an update: <br />1. Mn/DOT was willing to post no -parking signs on the south side <br />of Highway 5. Mayor Christ and the Administrator agreed that no <br />parking signs would be a way to prevent accidents with people <br />having to cross the road going to and from the lake. The no <br />parking signs were installed Thursday, January 15, 1987. <br />2. The Mn/DOT survey crew was scheduled to verify whether the <br />public waters overlaid the highway right-of-way between the road <br />and the lake. If the water is actually on the right-of-way, then <br />there is direct public access to Sunfish lake (until the water <br />level goes down, and private property becomes accessible again). <br />3. The Enforcement Section of the DNR indicated that fires are <br />allowed on the ice, but that property owners still have the right <br />to protect trees that are in the water. Some fishermen have <br />allegedly broken off branches to use for their fires. The <br />Sheriff's Office questioned whether the DNR position was accurate. <br />Deputy Jessie Kurtz attended the meeting to assist with the <br />discussion. <br />4. A temporary sign directing people to Sunfish Lake city park <br />has been ordered and will be installed at the corner of Stillwater <br />Lane and Highway 5. This sign should encourage users of the lake <br />to enter from the parking lot at the park. <br />5. The trash barrel in the park along the lake has been emptied, <br />and a second barrel has also been installed. <br />