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Amended 1-20-87 Request for the following insertions. Page 12 <br />H. Appointments to the Planning Commission <br />Mayor Christ stated that in September 1985, after all the published agenda <br />items were done, Chairman Fred Nazarian turned to the Recording Secretary and <br />asked her to turn the tape recorder off so he could privately discuss with <br />the Planning issue about a private resident. .Christ asked <br />Nazarian what gave him the right to conduct a private meeting with tape <br />recorders turned off. <br />Councilman Graves stressed the fact that the current Planning'Commission is <br />lacking experience. There are people on the commission that have no <br />experience at all dealing. with actual cases of people coming into the <br />commission and petition fora certain allowance. They have not had the <br />opportunity to look people square in the eye and tell them they were sorry, <br />but you cannot have those three variances you requested. Graves added, it <br />is darn tough to sit there and tell than that and it takes experience to <br />develop that fortitude. <br />Councilwoman. Armstrong responded that maybe Graves should not have left <br />the Planning Commission. Graves answered that he thought he could serve the <br />community better on the City Council. Armstrong was surprised that Graves <br />was sensitive to rumors because he was elected as councilman on rumors. <br />