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02-17-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-17-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 17, 1987 PAGE 14 <br />was $75,000 and would be financed by Equipment Certificates, which <br />is a special form of bonding that applies to equipment purchases. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Graves - to authorize the City to advertise for bids <br />on the tanker truck. (estimated cost $75,000). (Motion carried <br />5-0). <br />M/S/P Moe/Johnson - to extend the City Council meeting until 11:20 <br />p.m. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Maintenance Dept. - Pole Storage Building <br />The Fire Department proposes to purchase a new tanker truck this <br />year, but they also plan to keep the old tanker truck. There is <br />not enough space at the fire hall to provide inside storage for <br />all the equipment after the new tanker truck arrives. Fire Chief <br />Fran Pott had discussed the concept of converting the old Lake <br />Jane landfill garage into a second fire station with the City <br />Council on 12-2-86. At that time, the City Council supported the <br />plan to put the old tanker truck and another unit of equipment <br />there. <br />In order to use the old garage as a second fire station and put <br />two vehicles there, all of the maintenance department's equipment <br />and materials would have to be relocated. Maintenance Forman Dan <br />Olinger prepared a drawing of where he would propose a 40' x 80' <br />pole building be built. This building would handle all of the <br />Items presently being stored inside the old garage, along wih <br />other equipment that Is currently stored outside. The estimated <br />cost of the building materials as of 8-13-86 was $13,700.00. This <br />quote was only good for 45 days and would have to be updated. <br />Olinger will get three or four quotes on this building. <br />Dan Olinger also listed the estimated cost for electricity <br />($1,000.00), gravel for, the floor ($450.00), and blacktop for a <br />30' x 40' section of the floor (approximately $2,000.00). These <br />items would bring the total estimated cost of this building <br />project to at least $17,150, but Dan believes the actual total <br />will be closer to $18,000-$20.000. The financing plan for this <br />building is to take the funds from the Fire Dept. Capital Reserve. <br />Fran Pott was in agreement with this plan. <br />Councilman Graves suggested some tree planting around the <br />maintenance building. City Administrator Overby will coordinate <br />this with the Parks Commission. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to authorize the City to advertise for bids for <br />a 40' x 80' pole building for the Maintenance Department. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />C. Planning Commission Recommendation of Lake Elmo <br />Representative to Stillwater Area EDC. <br />The City Council asked. the Planning Commission to discuss whether <br />
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