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ISSUES - CLAPP THOMMSEN: <br />ssasasssaaassssasssaassa <br />(APPENDIX A) <br />- During the 1986 moratorium, the RR zoning ordinance was amended to reduce <br />the number of homes permitted on 40 acres from 7 per 40 to 4 per 40. <br />- Mr. Bishop owns 145.2 acres on the SW corner of Stillwater Blvd. and County <br />13b. Prior to the moratorium, he was entitled to 25 clustered lots. After <br />the moratorium, he is entitled to 14 clustered lots of which he already <br />has 11. He is entitled to 3 more. <br />- A precedent will be set if Mr. Bishop is granted an exception to the <br />recently amended RR zoning ordinance which will render the amended ordinance <br />useless. Approximately 50% of the entire area of the City zoned RR. <br />- It is .my understanding that this issue has not been before the Planning <br />Commission. It is also my understanding that it legally has to be con- <br />sidered by the Planning Commission before it comes before the Council. <br />If this is true, it should be remanded back to the Commission They <br />know the process - I question their intent by intentionally bypassing <br />the Planning Commission. <br />- At NO time prior to the moratorium was consideration given, either on the <br />part of Don Bishop or the City Council, to preliminary concept approval or <br />preliminary plat approval for Phases -II and III! The original request was <br />for a rezone from RR to R1 of 79 acres (35 lots) which was denied by the <br />Council on March 19th. When that failed, Mr. Bishop asked for, and was <br />granted, preliminary concept approval for Phase I to be developed according <br />to RR zoning ordinances. For details, see Chronologue below. <br />CHRONOLOGUE: <br />------------ <br />Feb. 11, 1985: Planning Commission. Bruce Folz presents proposal to rezone <br />79 acres of 145.2 acres from RR to R1 to permit 35 lots in 3 <br />phases: <br />Phase I: 11 lots <br />Phase II: 11 lots <br />Phase III: 13 lots <br />35 <br />They were entitled to 25.4 lots or 25 lots. <br />From the minutes, . it is the owners intention to proceed <br />with phase I by either the rezoning or by clustering..." <br />THEY WERE NOT ASKING FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL FOR ANY OF <br />THE PHASES. THEY WANTED A REZONE. <br />The request was tabled. <br />Feb. 25, 1985: Planning Commission. From the minutes, "Bruce Folz reviewed <br />the proposal, which has not changed from the last meeting. <br />What Mr. Bishop is asking for is concept approval of the <br />entire plan and preliminary plat approval and rezoning to R1. <br />for the 11 lots in phase 1." <br />