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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 17, 1987 PAGE 6 <br />allows only two accessory buildings of no greater than 1,000 <br />sq.ft. area for a parcel of land less than 10 acres. <br />3. The proposed location of the requested new building does not <br />meet- City code set back requirements wherein no accessory <br />buildings other than garages may be located nearer the front lot <br />line than the principal building. <br />4. The previous CUP was amended in 1981 to allow an open sales <br />lot operation for sales of RV trailer units but specifically <br />required that no permanent structures be built in support of this <br />use. <br />5. A land hardship does not exist because the owner appears to <br />have the following options: <br />a. Purchase an additional 32.09 acres of available land <br />to increase this parcel to the 40 acre size required <br />and change the proposed location of the new building to <br />setback requirements. <br />b. Purchase an additional 2.09 acres of land to increase <br />the parcel size to 10 acres, remove the two smaller <br />existing accessory buildings, change the size of the <br />new building to 900 sq.ft. and change the proposed <br />location of the building to meet setback requirements. <br />B. Request for Rezoning from Industrial to General Business <br />with Variances - Richard Kosman <br />This application was discussed at the February 3, 1987 City <br />Council meeting. The City Council tabled its decision on this <br />application until this meeting. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to remove from the table the request for <br />rezoning from Industrial to General Business with variances by <br />Richard Kosman. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The following are the requested variances. <br />1. variance to side (corner) setback - 10 feet vs. 50 feet <br />required. <br />2. variance to number and location of off-street parking <br />spaces--10 spaces vs. 23 required. <br />3. variance to the buffer strip between a general business zone <br />and residential zone - 35 foot strip required; 10 foot strip <br />existing. <br />4. variance to front yard setback - 20 feet existing, 50 feet <br />required. <br />5. variance to rear yard. setback - 10 feet existing, 50 feet <br />required. <br />