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03-17-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-17-87 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 17, 1987 <br />Woodbury <br />Oakdale <br />Stillwater <br />Maplewood <br />Lake Elmo <br />Minneapolis <br />St Paul <br />Assessed Evaluations <br />$117 million <br />$ 68 million <br />$ 76 million <br />$268 million <br />$ 35 million <br />$ 3 billion <br />$1.8 billion <br />PAGE 3 <br />Mill Rate <br />18.4 <br />27.5 <br />28 <br />17.7 <br />12.5 <br />34.7 <br />32.9 <br />So when we consider these projects, Dunn felt we should consider them <br />not in respect to revenue that will be generated, but whether they fit <br />in the Comprehensive Plan of the City. <br />Dave Morgan, 11150 20th St Ct, urged the Council to not approve this <br />concept plan for the following reasons: It is not within our <br />metropolitan urban service area, it is not in agreement with our <br />comprehensive plan, it is not in agreement with our land use plan and <br />this area was not scheduled to be developed until the next decade. If <br />this project is approved you really lose control over the rest of the <br />strip. He could not think of anything that would have a greater <br />impact in this area than a truck stop. A few months ago, the City <br />Council was under vehement criticism of the 201 Program to restore <br />onsite systems (1-3 bedroom homes) which were properly engineered. <br />Now today it is acceptable to put an onsite system for 125 bed motel, <br />200+ seat restaurant, fast food place and service station. So the <br />people that support this were either wrong before or are wrong now. <br />The highest cost to run municipal government in this state is <br />Minneapolis and St. Paul. They have the tax base, but the need for <br />services outspend the revenue that development has brought in. There <br />is no development that doesn't eventually need service of some kind. <br />Morgan added, that he has been on the other side of the table for ten <br />years. In those ten years, only two significant developments had been <br />proposed. One for a railroad unloading facility and another one for a <br />car dealership. The one thing they had in common was they were out in <br />the country, had cornfields and asked for rezoning because the land is <br />much cheaper there than in the section that is sewered. In those ten <br />years, not one bonifide request came for development in Section 32. <br />This same proposal was rejected by the City of Woodbury twice. It <br />never got past the Planning Commission in Afton. It was never <br />officially brought up in West Lakeland, but unofficially, a feeler was <br />put out and was not met with any encouragement. The reasons stated by <br />the Woodbury City Council were the very same reasons Morgan stated. <br />Based on the precedent by the City of Woodbury and Afton, Morgan urged <br />the council to deny this proposal not only for the people of Lake <br />Elmo, but for the neighbors in every corner that discouraged this <br />proposal. <br />Wyn John, 8883 Jane Road N., had a concern on the environmental impact <br />of having a truck stop in this area which leaves the place liable to <br />spills of various liquids they may be carrying which collect in <br />ponding areas that are on the site. His question to Erickson is "how <br />are you going to deal with the environment problem that will <br />eventually occur to prevent spillages going down and ending up in the <br />
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