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09-01-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-01-87 CCM
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APPENDIX A <br />Ann Bucheck, 2301 Legion Avenue North, read the following statement at the <br />September 1, 1987 City Council meeting. <br />We, the adjoining landowners, believe the preliminary plat for Packard <br />Park 2nd Addition should be denied for a number of reasons. <br />1. Lake Elmo City Code 401-240 Point 2E states that a preliminary <br />plat needs to contain the location and size of "culvert" or other <br />underground facilities within the tract and the distance of <br />350 feet beyond the tract". The preliminary plat that has been <br />submitted does not contain a culvert on Legion Avenue that <br />empties into Voge's property. This culvert brings runoff from <br />Peltier's down to Legion Pond and is significant to the <br />development and the impending problems the development could <br />produce. The plat needs to be properly drawn. <br />2. Lake Elmo code 401-380B stated taht "cul-de-sacs shall not be <br />longer than 800 feet" and the one for Packard Park is 900 feet <br />long. The developer has stated that he will not put the proposed <br />street through as drawn if the remainder of his land continues to <br />be zoned RR. We, nor the developer has a crystal ball and it <br />cannot predict the future of zoning. We must accept the present <br />zoning and ask for a cul-de-sac of 800 feet to meet Lake Elmo code. <br />3. Lake Elmo code 401.220 B3 point C states that "provision for <br />surface water disposal, drainage and flood control within the <br />boundaries of the proposed property division" should be in the <br />proposed design feature. Packard Park does not meet this code as <br />the ponding area is outside of that area which is being developed. <br />4. It has been stated in the past that the ponding has been placed on <br />the south side of Mr. Peltier's property and outside his <br />development because "water runs downhill". We have a geat deal <br />of fear that this is true and if the ponding is allowed to be <br />placed in its present location the rainwater seepage, drainfield <br />water, and runoff will seek the lowest point and add to the <br />flooding that Durands and Legion Pond have at this time. To <br />avoid future problems we feel the ponding area needs to be <br />moved to the north and onto the 2nd addition. <br />5. Mr. Bohrer feels that a pond needs to be built which will trap <br />a volumn of additional runoff generated by a 6-inch rainfall. We <br />do not feel this is sufficient due to the record amount of <br />rainfall we have had in the last 10 years --including the one the <br />end of July. <br />6. We are worried about the safety and welfare of those individuals <br />who will be moving into Packard Park and those who live on Legion <br />Avenue. The street, Legion Avenue, does not meet code, was <br />built in the flood plain and at some point will be under water. <br />If these residents need a safety vehicle the travel time will <br />be iIIULedbed and that time could mean the difference between <br />life and death. <br />
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