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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 20, 1987 PAGE 3 <br />with REAPP covering expenses incurred over the approved $1000; and <br />with regard to the conflict of interest between the Sunfish Lake <br />residents and the City being resolved. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. City Staff Comments on Draft Scoping EAW <br />The City received one copy of the draft "Site G Washington County <br />Landfill Siting EAW" on October 7th. The City Staff requested 7 more <br />copies of the draft EAW for the City Council, City Attorney and City <br />Engineer. These copies were provided by Washington County on October <br />14th. Due to the late date of receipt of the EAW copies, the City <br />Administrator handed out informal comments made by himself and the <br />City Engineer on the Draft Scoping. A comment letter written by City <br />Attorney Knaak was also handed out The Staff suggested that <br />Councilmembers briefly skim through their copies to gain some <br />familiarity with the content. Comments on the Draft Scoping EAW will <br />be provided to councilmembers once it is typed. <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to authorize the City staff to formally comment <br />on the draft Site G Landfill Siting EAW in a letter to Washington <br />County. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />5. PLANNING, LAND USE AND ZONING <br />A. Garage Relocation: Request to Allow an Accessory <br />Structure to be Placed Closer to a Public Street <br />than the House; Paul Weber, 9179 Jamaca <br />Paul Weber wishes to move a 16' x 22' stucco garage onto his R-1 zoned <br />lot at 9179 Jamaca Court. A copy of written approval by adjacent <br />property owners and pictures of the garage and of the site were <br />available. <br />The Planning Commission reviewed this request on 9-28-87 and <br />recommended "to the City Council to allow a garage to be moved to the <br />Paul Weber property at 9179 Jamaca Court, based on the received <br />findings of the structure being compatible wth the stucco house and <br />with the neighborhood and meets the code by having only 1 out building <br />on the lot". <br />M/S/P Moe/Graves - to adopt Resolution 87-52 to allow Paul Weber to <br />relocate a 16' x 22' stucco garage to a location at 9179 Jamaca Court <br />with the understanding that the garage is closer to the street than <br />the house. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />B. Zoning Ordinance Amendment: Elimination of the <br />Industrial Park Zoning District <br />This proposal has been under discussion by the Planning Commission <br />since the 1986 Comprehensive plan was adopted by the City Council in <br />November of 1986. The reason for the zoning amendment is that the <br />1986 Comprehensive Plan only provides for existing <br />uses; J <br />operation. The businesses that are of an industrial nature now would <br />be rezoned to the General Business zoning district with the <br />