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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 20, 1987 PAGE 5 <br />The proposed ordinance changes originated in part from the discussion <br />on elimination of the Industrial Park Zoning District, and also in <br />part from the ordinance amendment request to allow a retail bakery or <br />catering business in a GB zone. The Planning Commission was not <br />excluding car washes becauae they didn't like them, but because of the <br />water disposal techniques. <br />The Planning Commission prepared its own draft ordinance amendment and <br />discussed it in a public hearing on October 13, 1987. Nobody was <br />present to speak for or against the proposed ordinance amendment. <br />The City Council reviewed the Planning Commission draft dated October <br />13, 1987. The following changes were made: <br />(1) The following service/office uses: Amend: <br />(r) Bakeries with production of bakery goods limited to <br />retail sales. <br />(2) The following retail uses: Add: <br />(b) The retail sale and leasing of automobiles and <br />automobile accessories <br />(c) The retail sale of marine craft and accesssories. <br />(f) The retail sale of misce �'V� �> such as <br />U <br />the following: Add: Nu a.' a :n supplies <br />(g) Automobile repair and se <br />(3) the following repair/servicE <br />(g) Landscaping services <br />(h) Food Catering services <br />(5) Uses Permitted by Conditions Add: <br />(c) Bed and Breakfast facilities - 15 beds maximum <br />M/S/P Graves/Johnson - to table for City Council approval until after <br />the Planning Commission's review of the General Business draft on <br />October 26, 1987. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />D. Final Plat Approval: Tartan Meadows 3rd Addition <br />City Engineer Bohrer had reviewed the final plat of Tartan Meadows 3rd <br />Addition and had compared it to the approved peliminary plat and <br />applicable City Code. The final plat does conform to the approved <br />preliminary plat and City Code. Bohrer recommended the following <br />changes in his letter dated October 9, 1987. <br />(1) lot size shall be shown on the plat for each lot in hundredths of <br />an acre and; <br />