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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 3, 1987 PAGE 11 <br />1987-1988. The contract is similar to last years's contract except <br />for a rate increase of 4.5 percent. A copy of the agreement along <br />with an itemized bill for services in 1986-1987 were given to the City <br />Council. <br />City Administrator Overby had asked if the Council wanted to solicit <br />bids from other accounting firms for 1988. <br />Finance Director Marilyn Banister was well satisfied with this <br />accounting firm and suggested renewing their agreement. <br />M/S/P Graves/Moe - to renew the auditing/accounting agreement with <br />Voto, Tautges, Redpath & Co. for 19887-88. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. City Hall Maintenance Service <br />Cleaning and shampooing of the carpet in the City Hall needs to be <br />placed on a regular schedule and done by an outside cleaning service. <br />Quotes were received from Lake Elmo Cleaning and Shopping Services and <br />Servicemaster. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Armstrong - to approve the hiring of Servicemaster to do <br />carpet cleaning and restroom cleaning at the City Hall as stated in <br />his proposal. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Additional Appropriation to Buy More Ski Licenses <br />The City Council on 10-6-87 approved an expenditure of up to $675.00 <br />for the purchase of cross country ski licenses from Washington County <br />and resale at the Lake Elmo City Hall during the 1987-1988 ski season. <br />The North Star Ski Club would like to buy license from the City of <br />Lake Elmo at their big membership meeting on Tuesday, November 10, <br />1987. Ted Cardozo of the North Star Ski Club has made arrangements to <br />have someone sell the Lake Elmo licensses at their meeting. <br />The problem is that the $675 will not pay for the estimated 200 <br />licenses that could be sold at the Club meeting. Another $1450 is <br />needed to purchase enough licenses. The City collects 50 cents for <br />every license it sells, so the sale of licenses at the North Star <br />meeting could generate up to $100 in direct cash revenue for the City. <br />The State of Minnesota will pay the City of Lake Elmo an amount equal <br />to 20 percent of the City's total license sales this season, in its <br />allocation of ski license program revenue in late 1988. For example, <br />if the City sells $2,000 worth of ski licenses this season, the DNR <br />would allocate $400 to the City of Lake Elmo for ski trail maintenance <br />in 1988. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Graves - to authorize the City Administrator to <br />purchase an additional $1500 (to be taken out of the Parks Fund and <br />the benefits put back in the -Pa-rkq. Fund) ef Gress-Geuntry ski lieenses <br />to be sold at the North Star Ski Club meeting. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />10. Other Business <br />