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11-03-87 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-03-87 CCM
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Mr. Robert Overby <br />November 3, 1987 <br />Page Two <br />The statutory reference in the above -cited statute is to Minnesota Statute <br />§462.352, subd. 15, which provides as follows: <br />"Official controls" or "controls" means ordinances and regu- <br />lations which control the physical development of a city, <br />county or town or any part thereof including air space and <br />subsurface areas necessary for mined underground space deve- <br />lopment pursuant to sections 472B.03 to 472B.07, or any <br />detail thereof and implement the general objectives of the <br />comprehensive plan. Official controls may include ordinan- <br />ces establishing zoning, subdivision controls, site plan <br />regulations, sanitary codes, building codes and official <br />maps." <br />On the basis of the express language of the statute, it is clear that any deve- <br />lopment which has already received preliminary plat approval from the City of <br />Lake Elmo could not be included in a su Sequent moratorium. I would conclude <br />that if the City were to decide, for a reason allowed under the statute, to <br />impose a development moratorium, the Packard Park Second Addition Development <br />could not, in any case, be included. <br />For the City to seek a moratorium on development in an existing territory of the <br />City, one of three statutory conditions must be met: 1) The City must be <br />currently conducting a study for the purpose of amending the Comprehensive Plan; <br />or 2) the City must have authorized a study to be conducted for the purpose of <br />amending the Comprehensive Plan; or 3) the City must have already scheduled a <br />hearing for the purpose of considering the adoption or amendment to the <br />Comprehensive Plan or "official controls" as defined. In this particular case, <br />"official controls" would be the zoning code and its ordinances as they would <br />apply to land use control. <br />It is my understanding that no study, or authorization of a study, or hearing on <br />either the overall Comprehensive Plan as it applies to this area or the zoning <br />code has occurred. <br />I would, therefore, conclude on this issue that the City currently is not in any <br />position to impose a moratorium on development in the area, nor would, in any <br />case, such a moratorium in any way have an impact on the Packard Park Second <br />Addition Development proposal. <br />Another issue that was raised in the letter of September 29th was whether an <br />embankment in Tartan Park was "legal". We are unaware of any authorization, or <br />lack of authorization, for any embankment of the sort described for Tartan Park <br />in the City of Lake Elmo. We understand that inquiry is being made as to the <br />
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